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Authorization object: EATRUCKMANIKO

Table: eatruckmaniko_t (header data)/eatruckmanipo_t (file number and manifest number)

Gateway function

The Gateway function in the CargoSoft Airfreight application allows combining HAWB and IATA files for the transport and to print them in a manifest.

It is also meant to support the airfreight consolidation across branches by displaying the truck status for the Consol creation. It is thus ensured that only files are consolidated in the Gateway that are on their way to the Consol branch (Gateway).

In a HAWB or IATA position it is specified whether the position is intended for the Consol branch (gateway), i.e. for the truck manifest.

A traffic light system indicates whether the file has been accepted into the truck manifest (red) and whether it has been printed in the manifest (green) - the manifest number is also displayed.


If the Gateway branch is a profit center, further details can be found in Gateway as profit center Airfreight.


Table of Contents

Child pages (Children Display)

Basic data

Gateway fields in a HAWB on the AWB main tab

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Enter the Gateway to which the shipment is to be transported.

The Gateways from the basic data Gateway table are available in the dropdown list.

Select N (No) if this shipment is not to be loaded via a Gateway.

If this field is not a required field, it can be left blank.  

Manifest printed

Possible status are red and green.

Red: File is assigned to a truck manifest, which has not been printed.

The status red indicates that the file is meant for the loading to the Consol branch, but has not been printed in the manifest.

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Green: Manifest has been printed.

Green means that the Consol branch can load the file.

Not until the truck manifest has been printed, it can be assumed that the shipment is on its way to the Consol branch.

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Manifest ID

If a file has been added to a truck manifest, the manifest number is displayed at this point.

The manifest number is displayed irrespective of whether the truck manifest has been printed or not.

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