Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following basic data must be set up for the eAWB transmission to the airline (Champ).



Activate transmission to Carrier

Every connected airline has a PIMA code.

Champ uses this address to match the data to the correct airline.

The transmission types can also be activated in the basic data Carrier in AIRFREIGHT.Image Removed

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Table of Contents

Topic in the order

Aura panel


The following basic data settings are necessary to be able to use this interface.


Table of Contents

Function in the order



Format AWB transmission

Select the format for the eAWB transmission from the dropdown menu.

Available options are FWB16 and FWB17.

Send automatically

You can activate an automatic transmission to prevent the AWBs from not being transmitted on time or at all. 

After every print of the AWB via the F6 menu, the checkbox Send AWB to Airline is activated by default.
Deactivate or activate the checkbox as necessary.

Transmission types

Entry of all transmission types supported by an airline. 

Please see the provider's documentation (Champ...) for information on which airline is connected and which transmission type is supported.

  • FFR =  Booking (eBooking)

  • FWB = AWB transmission

  • FSU = Automatic status message

  • FSR = Freight status request

  • FHL = HAWB data for AMS, ACI

  • FZB = HAWB data for AMS, ACI (Descartes)

  • FMA = Confirmation of receipt from the provider or airline

  • FNA = Fehlermeldung

  • Schedule = Currently without function


The entry Send AWB to Airline is only available in the F6 menu of the order if the airline is released for receipt:  Activate FWB.

Airline connection with Descartes

→ Activate the checkbox if you have selected Descartes as your communication platform.

AIRFREIGHT → CARRIER → Carrier account tab

Deposit carrier account number

With regard to eFreight and the transmission, please make sure to use the correct carrier account number.

One account number is assigned per branch and per AWB agent!

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In the Order → Signatures tab

Open the Signatures tab in the order to check the carrier account number and make modifications as necessary.

Im Auftrag haben Sie auf dem Signatur-Reiter die Möglichkeit, die Carrier Account Nummer zu überprüfen und ggfs. manuell zu ändern.

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Deposit IATA code

  • The AWB agent is pre-assigned in the order on the AWB Main tab and can be modified.

  • The IATA code itself can be found on the AWB Control tab in the order.

  • The IATA code in the order is pre-assigned by means of the AWB agent.

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The IATA code must be entered as follows:

  • 7 digits: 2 digits/hyphen/1 digit/hyphen/4 digits/slash

  • The slash at the end of the IATA code is followed by 4 digits of the CASS no.


Enter the PIMA code in your branch

Every branch receives a participant code from Champ. This PIMA address works like a mailbox.

→ Champ assigns the sent data based on this number.

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Enter number ranges for Champ

The indicated number ranges must be recorded in order for the system to send and receive Champ data.
In the basic data the number ranges still bear the title TRAXON…

All Number ranges are set to year 0 and month 0.


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Administer status messages for provider Champ


This entry is still made under provider Traxon.

These status events are equivalent to the


status codes of the airlines
They are defined for the connection via Champ.

The airlines themselves decide which of the possible status codes they send. Not every airline sends all possible codes for a shipment.


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You can trigger the following events for every status:


Action in the order

Info to user

Sends an email to the user upon arrival of the status.

Fills field

Sets the date in the order (Transport tab) according to the filling rule.

→ Transport tab in the order

Status type

Sets this status in the order (Own statustype).

→ Status types in Status types in ADMIN

Mail to resp. login

Sends en email to the user responsible for the file upon arrival of the status.

Mailing list for info

Sends an email to this email address upon arrival of the status.

ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES → Address tab → Altern. address layout sub tab

Keep address in FWB17 format

In the basic data Addresses there is the option of entering the address in the FWB17 format.

There is another line for each of the fields Name and Street, which are limited to 35 characters.

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