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Table of Contents


Transfer data


The ZAPP status messages enable customs authorities to inspect shipments with issued B-/Z-numbers and impose a loading stop if necessary.     

The port references are the following reference numbers:

Z numbers 

Export/dispatch declarations that were created in the electronic export procedure. 
Z-numbers are effectively B numbers for presentations to customs related to AES.

S numbers

Summary exit declaration (for declaration type DUX)

B numbers 

Other cases

Show send date and status


Overview tab: Provisional Z-number+ not releasedImage Removed 


Response with status message


The response shows a Z-number that releases the provisional loading – status not released (NLR).
You will not receive the final Z-number until the terminal has confirmed the delivery of the entire shipment through the GateIn.
What follows is the status message released (RLS) with the corresponding Z-number.

Release after loading stop


A loading stop has been imposed: customs status STOP – loading stop


The different statuses that a ZAPP reference/Z-number may contain can be distinguished as follows:

ZAPP status

Z-number status: The Z-number that releases provisional loading.


not released (S- and Z-number) 


released (S- and Z-number) 

Customs status

Z no. from: it releases the interims loading. 


Loading stop



Gate status

The status messages of the loading and packing companies come with the following messages:


Consignment leaves the pick up location to the land side


Arrival of the consignment


Loading onto the vessel 

After the port declares the arrival of the goods, a Gate-In is sent and you will receive the confirmation of exit.
