Send remarks to shipping agents
The remarks are printed following the goods description by default according to Dakosy guidelines.
70 characters can be sent and printed in a line.
AFTER a packaging file you can enter any number of lines of marks (max. 35 characters), contents (max. 35 characters) and free text (max. 100 characters - the lines with the Text checkmark at the beginning of the line).
The texts from the B/L tab are transmitted after the entire goods description as comments, the agent remarks separately as internal reference texts.
Lines BEFORE the first packaging file are NOT transmitted.
How can I access text blocks?
Double click into the field to open the search function with access to basic data TEXT MODULE in ADMIN.
You are automatically linked from the B/L data to the text blocks with type = B/L for the B/L.
The text blocks provide all existing texts in multiple languages.
Message to shipping agent
If you transmit your Ocean B/L to the shipping agent via Dakosy, you can use this field to enter information for the shipping agent.