Place addresses in Consol AWB print

Place addresses in Consol AWB print


Basic data

Print a Consol AWB

Subsequent address fields are printed in the following place in the Consol AWB.

  • In a Consol AWB, the shipper (A1) is printed - This address is automatically preassigned from the AWB agent.

  • The shipper address is automatically changed when the AWB agent is changed.
    The address printed is the one in the Shipper address field.

  • The suggestion of the AWB agent into the shipper address can be disabled in the AIR parameter master data.

  • To be able to select another AWB agent, it must be stored as an address in the master data and also entered in the master data AIRFREIGHT → AWB AGENT.

  • The consignee is printed from the DES agent address field.

  • It is possible to enter a consignee address in the Consol AWB in the Consignee (A2) address field.
    However, this is only printed if the DES Agent address field is empty!

DES Agent as Consignee
