Rate selection mask

Rate selection mask

To open the mask, double click or press F2 in the Rate field in the goods description line.







Search criteria


The yellow fields in the upper section are search criteria.
→ These can be edited manually. You can also press F2 to access the basic data.
→ The search criteria are already pre-assigned with details of your AWB.

Press F3 to start the search.

Only the rate that best matches your AWB criteria will initially be displayed.

These may be rates that the system has already entered automatically.

→ Press F3 to see a larger selection of all possible rates.
Or change the search criteria and press F3.

Confirm your selection with OK or click Cancel.

Select rates

Possible rates for your AWB type are displayed below the search criteria. You can click on a rate line in any of the sections.
A red arrow to the left of the line indicates the line that you have selected. This line will be accepted!
The selection mask always shows all rates of all weightbreaks.

The rate matching the weight is highlighted in green → This rate will be accepted. 

You always select the rate line, never the rate itself.

If you would only like to reselect one rate, e.g. the customer rate but not the IATA and net rate, select the blank line.
A blank line is available at the end of every section.


The program will only display rates that corespond to your entry in the field WT/VAL (Prepaid or Collect) on the AWB Main tab.

For instance, rates that are only marked as collect will not be displayed if you enter a prepaid shipment.
Customer rates and net rates in the selection mask have the columns P (=Prepaid) and C (=Collect).

Selection mask after double click with best possible rate lines:



Selection mask after F3 with extended selection: