Transfer CASS details into an invoice voucher

Transfer CASS details into an invoice voucher


Basic data

New files


Search for non-completes files

You can search for all non-completed datasets or sort all data by status (i.e. the status red-yellow-green) to check. 


Select a CASS file on the Search result tab and click the context menu command Accept file into invoice.

Accepted files

Files that have already been accepted cannot be invoiced again! (Status Invoiced! or field Invoice no. is already filled).

When transferring data to the invoicing, the program automatically splits the costs according to the chargeable weight and distributes them to the HAWBs.
The program reads all CASS data and filters the corresponding HAWBs from CargoSoft out. This process may therefore take a few minutes.

If you have transferred an amount 0.00 for a MAWB, the system will issue a query asking whether you would like to transfer the dataset.
→ If yes, this file will be booked in the account sheet with the amount of 0.00 and, if applicable, transferred to financial accounting - if no further costs have been booked on the file.
This is not allowed in some financial accounting departments.
→ If you select No in the query, the dataset will be skipped and not transferred into the payable.

A cost splitting overview will appear if all files have been split correctly.

If available, accruals are displayed as well. Accruals that are to be booked as partial invoices are indicated by a T (partial invoice).

When reading the files, the system checks whether the file has already been completed. As completed files cannot be invoiced, you need to reopen the file number. Depending on your authorization, the file may be reopened automatically.

Basic data settings

In basic data COMPANY INVOICING → Administration tab your administrator can decide whether the files are to remain closed during CASS booking.

If a cost splitting was not possible - e.g. because a file number needed to be changed manually - the amount will be booked on the entered file number.