Create MHAWB

Create MHAWB



Links to further information

Basic data settings


Generate AWB number in MHAWB

Enter carrier and destination.

Only then the context menu entry Generate Master HAWB number will be activated.


Generating MHAWB numbers pls see → MHAWB set up.


Fill in the address fields Shipper (A1) and Consignee (A2) manually. 

  • The AWB Agent is printed in the carrier field of the AWB, just like in a HAWB.

  • The MHAWB number is determined based on the registered AWB Agent.

Create goods description of MHAWB 

  • Like in a Consol HAWBs are added - thus the goods description is entered automatically.

  • By adding the HAWBs to the MHAWB, the number of packages and the weights are determined and entered - identical to the Consol.

Deviating to the Consol AWB, the column of the goods description (Nature of Goods) remains empty during consolidation.

SCI customs status in MHAWB

The field SCI is located in the AWB Main tab at the bottom on the right.

Like in the Consol AWB, the status is set by adding the HAWBs.

If one of the HAWBs is set to status [T1], the MHAWB is also set to [T1].

Set security status in MHAWB 

The shipper security status is checked during capture.

However, an update takes place as with the AWB type CONSOL when HAWBs are added to the MHAWB.

  • If at least 1 HAWB is unsecure, the MHAWB is also set to unsecure.

  • If all HAWBs are safe, the MHAWB is also set to Safe (SPX).

Calculation of rates and other charges

The determination and recording of the customer sales rate takes place on the Goods and Dimensions tab.

The determination of the other charges on the Other Charges tab also takes place identically to the HAWB.

The MHAWB is treated like a HAWB for preallocation of the other charges.

If you create outgoing invoices via the F6 function, please see calculation and invoicing MHAWB.

Open MHAWB file

Different HAWB number

Please note: The MHAWB is a HAWB (House AWB).

In the File Open mask you can identify the MHAWB by its different HAWB number.