Consolidate Truck manifest

Consolidate Truck manifest


Links to further information

Basic data

Field Already printed in Search criteria

Choose entry Select HAWBs - the search result with HAWB files will be displayed immediately.


Note Print column

  • The print column shows whether the files have already been printed in a truck manifest - status = green.

  • If not printed or the positions are not intended for a gateway, the status = red.


FYI - the truck manifest numbers are displayed in the search result (scroll all the way to the right if necessary) and the gateway recorded in the HAWB.

Positions that have not been released for loading via truck manifest are only displayed if Truckmanifest N or empty has been selected as a search criterion in the search mask.

Accept files

For the transfer of the HAWB positions to the Consol, the check mark is also set here in the Use column.

Once all the desired positions are selected, click Accept to assign the files to the Consol.