Tab control in mask set creation
Related pages
Section tab control mainmasks
Change or deactivate tabs
The following tabs can be modified/deactivated:
Company tab
Columns/Options in the tab control
Columns | Options |
Order | Current number |
Tab | Name of the tab |
| If you remove the check mark under visible behind a tab, it will not appear in the order.
Visibility of tabs The tabs of an area are visibly activated/deactivated via the checkbox. If the checkbox is enabled, it has a white background.
If the checkbox is disabled, it has a grey background.
→ More information about the visibility of the tabs under this table as the next chapter. |
| |
Mask / Mask set | At this point it is decided which individual masks will be combined into a mask set. When you create a new order, the selection field initially contains Standard. The order mask is initially in the standard state. If you have already created masks, they are immediately available for selection via the magnifying glass (search function). The finished mask set can then be applied, under various conditions, either generally or automatically to a specific customer → See Mask set control tab. |
Options for the visibility of the tabs
Non editable tabs
Tabs that are not editable are shown with a grey checkbox.
They cannot be removed.
Visible tabs
Tabs that should be visible in the mask set have an activated checkbox.
As soon as the checkbox is activated, the tab will be displayed in the upper right corner of the tab bar.
Non visible tabs
Tabs that are to be removed from the mask set have an unchecked checkbox.
Immediately after un-checking they will be hidden from the top right of the tab bar.
Status request
Only here via the mask editor the tab Status request is integrated into the order.
Info on the illustration: The EDI status tab belongs to the standard tabs of the order tab and no longer needs to be integrated here.
Section tab control submasks
The submasks are described on the Submasks page in the mask set creation.