Additional mask fields tab

Additional mask fields tab


Basic data


Creation of an additional mask field

Add/insert a new line via the context menu.





Field name

Here a unique field name is assigned. Only numbers, letters and underscores can be used.

In addition, field names must not begin with [cs]. Fields with [cs] are reserved to CargoSoft when created.


The description is the label in front of a field. Here all characters are allowed.


Here, a note can be saved for this box. The info is displayed in the selection of the fields in the mask editor.

Field type

An input field, a checkbox or a dropdown field can be defined.

Upper/lower case

This dropdown sets whether only upper, only lower or mixed letters can be entered.

Number of characters

The maximum number of characters for entry fields.

General maximum are 100 characters.

Note: Make sure to drag the field wide enough on the mask, similar to the number of characters.

Required field

You can determine whether this field is a required field - this is done in the master data Required fields in COMPANY.

The AddOn field is declared as a required field in the master data → details pls find on the Required fields tab in REQUIRED FIELDS.

Only applicable to entry fields.


Save your entries after creation via File → Save.

Search and transfer content in Mask editor Additional fields

It is possible to search and transfer existing content of the masks additional fields into a different file.
Thus templates for masks additional fields can be created.

Create a mask with masks additional fields.
Add the button mask additional field search from the area example templates of the toolbox.


The button can be renamed with the local menu item Translated value.


First, create a file with filled mask additional fields.
Then open in a new file the search dialog with the button.
Here we recommend to specifically search for a value.
After having found your template file by value, remember the table ID.

Search for the table ID.
All filled mask additional fields are displayed.
Select the desired fields and click OK.
The mask additional fields are filled accourding to the template.

The search should be saved via the local menu item Save search settings with the table ID.

With the authorization object QUERYSAVEALLUSER you also have the option to make this search available to all users.

Extended mask field

In the properties area of the additional mask fields more functions can be added to mask additional fields.

So you have the possibility to create drop-down boxes, to create your own search functions for an input field and preassign content in other fields and to control the visibility of individual fields.

Additional Mask Fields – General Features

In the field expression various techniques are used to program the mask additional fields. Aall expressions are described hereinafter:

Naming of tables

Tables are named according to the following scheme: codes_ext_t, eakopf_t, eaware_t

Running a Query Result set or plausi SQL-Select

These two properties are used for writing data from a search result or a plausibility check in the same or another addition mask field each.

  • Several items in succession are separated by a semicolon.

  • Behind the last item no semicolon is set.

  • Mask additional fields in which data is written or to which another content refers, an ‘@’ prefix is prefixed. The ‘@’ marks an additional mask field.

          Example: @qm_teh_info6=posnr;@qm_teh_info5=mandant


In local menu there is the entry Insert field. A search mask for fields opens. Here you can search for fields and insert them.


In the local menu of the fields for the expression you can add placeholders.

A new window opens. Here you can select a placeholder and click apply.

Placeholders are for the global variables, which are loaded at program startup. The global variables are changing when changing to another client or branch.

As an example, the placeholder [LANGUAGE] is explained:

The user who logged on to the system has set a program language in its employee options. This language is read with the placeholder [MSPRACHE] and handed over to the additional mask field.


So for a drop down the following can be defined:

DropDown Datawindow:

using datawindow for Codes Ext. entries)

DropDown RetrieveParam: 

(Codes Ext. entry for employees language is used. E.g. D oder E. The type CSQM_TEH is listed.)

DropDown Datacolumn:


DropDown DisplayColumn: 


The following placeholders are available:


The data currently entered in the field.

Plausi table: eakopf_t
Plausi SQL-Where: posnr=[DATA]

Here it is checked if the entered data in the field is an existing file number in eakopf_t.


The currently logged in client.


The currently logged in branch.


The language of the currently logged in client.


The employees language of the currently logged in user.


The following placeholders refer to the basic data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER on the upper area.


The billing codes of the currently logged in client.


The addresses client oft he currently logged in client.


The customer rates of he currently logged in client.


The financial accounting basic data of the currently logged in client.


The Formgen client of the currently logged in client.


The countries client of the currently logged in client.


The activity types client of the currently logged in client.


The cities client of the currently logged in client.


The eRates client of the currently logged in client.


The terminal client of the currently logged in client.


The Service contracts client of the currently logged in client.


The basic data cleint of the currently logged in client.


The text module client of the currently logged in client.


The packaging code client of the currently logged in client.


The representative client of the currently logged in client.


The commodity client of the currently logged in client.

Additional mask field - Dropdown

Note: Currently codes_t and codes_ext_t are available. Both are the same in their use.

To create a dropdown severel properties are required.
The default entries, which each dropdown at least needs are the following:







DropDown Datawindow

This expression defines, which DataWindow is responsible for the content.


DropDown RetrieveParam

This expression defines which contents the DataWindow mentioned above returns.


(MSPRACHE is the placeholder for the currently logged in user. The field is used according to the field of language in Codes Ext. table. TPTPART is the typ of Codes Ext.)

DropDown Datacolumn

This expression defines what the actual retrieved content is.
This content is also stored in the database.

mc (Database field for the match code)

DropDown DisplayColumn

Dieser Ausdruck definiert, welches Datenbankfeld lediglich angezeigt wird.

bez (Database field for the description)

Additional features can be added to a drop down:







DropDown allow edit

This expression determines whether the displayed content of the dropdown may also be changed or overwritten manually.

J = (J stands for yes. If a J is entered, this field can be edited.)

DropDown percent width

This expression determines how wide the unfolded drop-down list is.

200 = (The field has a width of 200 percent. Default: 300)

DropDown Filter

With this expression, the contents of the dropdown can be limited additionally.

qual='V'  = (The qualifier for the code Ext. Entry is 'V'. qual is a field in codes_ext_t)

In Dropdown filter the qualifier can be composed of 2 field contents.

Example: [DropDown Filter] qual=[transpart] + [@cs_kep_shippinglocationid]

Explanation: The field [transpart] can be filled with COURIER.

Example: A dropdown may look like this:

Additional Mask Field - Input Field

An input field can be extended with a plausibility check or search function.

  1. Plausibility check means that the entered data can be checked immediately by self-defined criteria, whether they already exist in the database.
    This can be a code entry or a file number. Related data can then be used for other purposes.
    For example, the order date for file number.

  2. Search function means that double-clicking or using the F2 key, a search window opens.
    In the search window the search criteria can be preassigned. The search results can be written back into the field.
    Related data can be used for other purposes also.

Input field – Query (Search mask)

With the assistance of an input field, a search mask can be constructed. From the search result special target field can be filled.

The checkbox SEARCH FUNCTION in the editor area is on the bottom left is to be activate for this type of input field.


The properties for a search window are the following expressions:







Query Table

This expression determines, in which table is to be searched for.


Query Param

This expression determines which search criteria is handed over to the search window.

bereich=E;bl_awb_typ=HBL (The order sector E – Export and B/L type HBL are handed over to the search mask)

Query Resultset

This expression determines which data is written from the search result into other fields.

(In the field qm_teh_info6 the file number is entered after taking over the search result. In the field qm_teh_info5 the realated client.)

Example: An input field – Query (search mask) may look like this:

Input field – Plausi (Plausibility)

With the assistance of an input field, a plausibility check can be constructed. From the search result special target fields can be filled.

The checkbox PLAUSI FUNCTION in the editor area is on the bottom left is to be activate for this type of input field.


The properties for a plausibility check are the following expressions:







Plausi Table

This expression determines in which table is to be searched for.


Plausi SQL-Where

This expression determines how the plausibility check will be activated.

posnr=[DATA] (The entered data is compared with the content in eakopf_t. In this case, the file number.)

Plausi SQL-Select

This expression determines which data is written from the check result into other fields.

@qm_teh_info4=auf_name1 (If the file number exists, the first address line of the first address is written in the field qm_teh_info4.) 

Example: An input field – query (search mask) may look like this:

Additional Mask Field - Additional Features

Additional features can be added to an input field (query and plausi) or a dropdown:



Expression example


This expression determines whether the field can be edited at all.

For this conditions can be entered.

@qm_teh_info2='J'  (another mask additional field with the field name qm_teh_info2 has the content 'J' - here: a checkbox)


This expression determines the value with which the field is pre-assigned when the order is created.

Generic content. You can also specify content that is not  otherwise offered in the dropdown.


This expression determines whether the field is displayed or is invisible. For this conditions can be entered.

transpart='NV'  (The transport type of the service order is NV - local traffic. transpart is a field in tp_kopf_t)