Address format in ADDRESSES

Address format in ADDRESSES

Authorization objects: STAADRFORMAT



Basic data



Create an address format

To create an address format, select File → New.

Enter a match code and a name for the address format.

There are 6 lines available which can be filled with the database fields from the address master data → can be seen on the right in the margin bar.

Click on the desired address field, hold down the left mouse button and drag and drop an object from the address fields area on the right into line 01 to line 06.

By releasing in the line, the field is placed there.


Field description






Code of the address format image-20240328-110210.png


Description of the addres format image-20240328-110218.png

Line 01-06

Pull objects from the list into these address lines via drag and drop.


Delete blank line when empty

If you use an address format for an address which does not contain all data, you can use this checkbox to determine whether blank lines are to be removed.

  • For example: if the street is missing, the city will be entered directly underneath the name.

  • If this checkbox is not activated, the address format will be displayed as it is defined and the line with the missing dataset remains blank.

Text 1-6

Lines 01 to 06 correspond to the 5/6 address lines in an address - on the B/L tab addresses with 6 lines are available.


Address fields

Listed on the right you will find the available database fields for compiling an address format.


Use an address format

In the Address → Input sub-tab

In an address the address format is entered on the Input sub tab.

  • The address format entered here is used in the order files.

  • If you have already entered addresses without address format, a new address format will not be automatically applied to them.

In the General Company Parameter

In the General Company Parameter, the address format is recorded on the Specials tab

The format recorded here will be pre-assigned upon address creation.

In Countries

Upon address entry, the corresponding address format is automatically pre-assigned after you enter the country code - if recorded in the Countries in ORDER.

In the country codes Countries in ORDER, the address format field is located in the header data: