General Company Parameter in COMPANY
Basic data
Display all existing clients
Press the function key F3 on the displayed page with the search functions and you will have an overview about all exisitng clients.
Header data per client
To edit an individual client, activate the desired line with a left mouse click and switch to the Edit tab.
The General Company Parameter apply per client. This client is entered in the field Company.
The clients entered in the fields apply to the basic data of the respective field.
Field eRates
Separate the rates by client
The eRates table can be managed per client.
Companies that would like to maintain their net rates per client can make the relevant settings in basic data General Company Parameter in COMPANY → Header data Client → field eRates.
For every client, the client number is entered in the field eRates.
The entry [000] means that the rates are universally valid, they apply to all clients if there is no client-specific entry.
If you want specific data per client, set the client number to the same as your company client.
If the rates are activated per client, a logon to the client must take place in order to edit the corresponding master data.