Authorizations Advanced dynamic search
Topic in the order
Object | Table | Name |
DYN_SUCHE_ADR | adr_t | Addresses |
adrpartner_t | Address contact person | |
adrklassif_t | Address qualifier | |
DYN_SUCHE_AFRFILING | eaafrko_t | AFR-Filing |
DYN_SUCHE_ATLAS | eacurrelpo_t | Â |
eacurrelko_t | Â | |
eacustaxko_t | Â | |
eacustaxpo_t | Â | |
eaatlasko_t | Â | |
eaatlaspo_t | Â | |
eaatlasul_t | Â | |
eaatlaspoul_t | Â | |
eaatlaspome_t | Â | |
eaatlaspoabg_t | Â | |
eaatlasin_t | Â | |
eaatlasfinsumpo_t | Â | |
eaatlasbezlpo_t | Â | |
eaatlasbeavuvpo_t | Â | |
eaatlasah_t | Â | |
eaatlastax_v | Â | |
DYN_SUCHE_AUFMEMO | eaartikelcom_t | Order memo |
DYN_SUCHE_BL | eabl_t | Bill of Lading |
DYN_SUCHE_CONTADR | eaadr_t | Container addresses |
DYN_SUCHE_DAKIMP | eadakimpko_t      | DAKOSY IMP header data |
eadakimphist_t    | DAKOSY IMP history | |
eadakimpatb_t     | DAKOSY IMP ATB details | |
DYN_SUCHE_EDIMONITOR | edimonitor_t      | EDI-Monitor |
edimonitor_log_t  | EDI Monitor Log  | |
DYN_SUCHE_FAKTURA | spktorue_t | Accruals |
eafako_t | Invoicing | |
eafapo_t | Invoicing lines | |
eafaklog_t | Faktura CargoCom log | |
fakt_erg_t | Invoicing transport data | |
edistatus_dash_e_v | EDI-Status Dashboard export | |
edistatus_dash_i_v | EDI-Status Dashboard import | |
DYN_SUCHE_FIBU | fibuko_t | Â |
 | fibupo_t |  |
DYN_SUCHE_FLUGDATEN | eaairkopf_t | Airfreight header data |
DYN_SUCHE_GFGUT | gfgut_t | Dangerous goods |
DYN_SUCHE_KALKULATION | eakalk_t | Calculation |
DYN_SUCHE_KOPFDATEN | eakopf_t | Order |
mrn_v             | MRN   | |
posnr_zuord_t | Order linking | |
DYN_SUCHE_LAGER | la_bewegungko_t | Header data |
la_bewegungpo_t | File data | |
la_st_artikel_t | Basic data articles | |
la_partieko_t | Â | |
la_bestand_t | Â | |
la_best_stellpl_t | Â | |
la_transport_t | Transport data | |
DYN_SUCHE_MUSSFELDER | mf_cond_t | Required fields |
DYN_SUCHE_OFFERTEN            | adroffko_t        | Quotation header data |
 | adroffpo_t | Quotation order file data |
DYN_SUCHE_REFERENZEN | eareferenz_t | Order references |
DYN_SUCHE_SCM | scm_transport_or_t | Shipment       |
scm_add_values_t  |  | |
scm_events_t      |  | |
scm_inspection_t  |  | |
scm_person_t      |  | |
scm_release_t     | Releases (ID) | |
scm_si_position_t | Shipping instructions | |
scm_to_position_t | Shipment positions | |
scm_vehicle_t     |   | |
DYN_SUCHE_SEABOOKING | easeabookingko_t  | Oceanbooking header data |
easeabookingcont_t | Oceanbooking container | |
easeabookingware_t | Oceanbooking goods | |
DYN_SUCHE_STATISTIK | statistik_t | Statistic |
statistikcont_t   | Statistic container | |
spktoleist_t | Â | |
spktoaart_t | Â | |
DYN_SUCHE_STATUS | eastatus_t | Status |
DYN_SUCHE_STRECKEN | eastrecke_t | Legs (Road) |
DYN_SUCHE_VERSAND | tp_kopf_t         | Services |
tp_kopf_v         | Services | |
DYN_SUCHE_WARENBESCHREIBUNG | eaware_t | Goods description |
eawareartikel_v | Goods description (eawareartikel_v) | |
eawarecont_t | Goods description, Container data | |
eawareartikel_t | Goods description, Articles and PO numbers | |
eaware_tp_v       | Services goods description | |
DYN_SUCHE_XML | eaxmlsend_t | Send XML to partner |
DYN_SUCHE_ZAPPAIR | eaairaesko_t | Zapp Air header data |
eawareaespo_t | ZAPP Air order/file data | |
DYN_SUCHE_ZAPPSEASEND | dakantw_t         | ZAPP SEA Sending protocol |
DYN_SUCHE_ZUSATZFELDER | eazusatz_t | Additional fields |