Related addresses sub tab in General tab in ADDRESSES

Customer number of the KEP freight payer for payment term EXW.

Customer number of the KEP freight payer for payment term EXW.

Customer number field, freight payer in the CEP service order → Header data tab → Recipient area.

Related topic

The Customer no. of freight payer is only to be used with freight term EXW.
The service provider will charge the customer with this customer no. in the freight invoice.

Open the Shipper address:
One customer number can be pre-assigned for each CEP service provider.






Pls select LKZ (Supplier number) from the dropdown menu.

Address fields

Enter the address of the service provider in the following address fields.


PLs enter the customer number.

If a service provider with the delivery condition EXW is selected for each shipper, the customer number is automatically entered in the corresponding field.