Overview tab in service order

Overview tab in service order


Basic data

Field description of an order line

  • As of version 2021.2 due to new pre-allocation options of the fields - there is a new sequence in the fields of the service order line. 






Reference number

Current no. of the service order in this file.

It consists of the file no. - a consecutive number is added automatically - starting with 001 and the letter T for Transport.

Service provider

  1. If there is only one stored data record for the entered service provider, the fields Service type and Mode of transport are automatically pre-filled.

  2. If there are several entries in the mode of transport for the entered service provider and the service type recorded afterwards, the field Mode of transport is automatically pre-filled with the first entry from the selection menu. This entry can be changed.

Service type

The service type field can also be entered first.

If a service provider for this service type has been stored in Services in COMPANY, this is automatically pre-assigned.

Mode of transport

  1. The type of transport is automatically pre-assigned if there is only one data record for the entered service provider.

  2. The type of transport is preset with the first entry from the drop-down menu if there are several types of transport for the service provider and the service type.


The sector in which you are is displayed.

Button Messages

The Messages button concerns feedback from the program caused by plausibility check before sending - please see Send service order.

Create service order

First, select the service type

The sector is pre-assigned based on the sector of the current file.

Select the mode of transport.


The service provider is pre-assigned if the basic data contain a corresponding entry for the selected combination.
To search for an address press F2 or make a double click.

Note: After you have selected the service type and mode of transport and save your modifications, changes can no longer be made. The service can only be changed in the header data.

Enter the service provider

The service provider is the company commissioned to carry out the service order or that receives the service order via EDI transmission.

The EDI transmission requires the existence of an EDI reference (qualifier) in the entered address.

You have the option to pre-assign a service provider for each service type and per sector and mode of transport.

If the service order is assigned within a client, this address can be left blank.

Drag & Drop in the goods description on the Overview tab

The goods description listed on the left can be distributed among individual service orders.
To do so select one or more files, press and hold the left mouse key and pull it/them into a service order.

This results in the following:

  1. A green flag appears in the left column next to the Assign. column.

  2. A blue container appears on the Overview tab next to the reference number.

  3. The goods description is entered in the Goods tab.

Example: Drag&Drop in the goods description

  • If you select a goods description in the left column that has already been assigned, the blue container on the Overview tab indicates the order that contains this goods description.

  • If you select a service order on the Overview tab, the green flag indicates the goods descriptions located in this order.

  • One goods description line can be distributed among multiple service orders.