Account sheets in Environment - Controlling

Account sheets in Environment - Controlling

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The search for account sheets is one of the programs in which can be searched over all files and the selected ones are displayed in a list.

In this search mask there are both the fields for cross-item searches as well as all other functionalities of the order-bound account sheet.

The search result gives you the option of quickly switching between different account sheets without having to open the individual files.

Furthermore, a desired file can be specifically selected in the search result.


  • double in a specific line

  • the enter tab

  • to the next tab to change it.


The Account sheet in Controlling differs from the Account sheet in the order by two additional tabs

  • Search criteria and

  • Search result.

The other tabs are all in the same order in the account sheet in the order and all refer to the processing ONE - the open - file.

The explanation of these tabs can be found under Account sheet tab in the order.


The search result offers a list of desired file numbers.

Selecting one of it, all other tabs of the corresponding files are enabled and can be reached by clicking on it.
