Dangerous goods representative in your enterprise

Dangerous goods representative in your enterprise


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The dangerous goods representative

For the further processing of the dangerous goods shipment, authorizations and status entries in CargoSoft control that users can limited pre-enter the shipment with certain restrictions. The dangerous goods representative verifies that the dangerous goods data is correct and releases them for further processing.

Internal release by the dangerous goods representative

The entry of dangerous goods in the Seafreight module can be carried out restrictively.

This procedure is intended for a company structure in which a user and a dangerous goods representative cooperatively edit the dangerous goods orders step by step.

This procedure applies to the main order and any accompanying service orders.

Follow the following procedure:

  1. The user creates a file containing dangerous goods.
    The file can be marked as dangerous goods upon file entry or subsequently on the Info tab.

  2. Fill all required fields in the order header data and confirm with TAB.
    Otherwise the required field settings, which take priority over the dangerous goods entry, are still active.

  3. Open the Description of goods tab.
    If this file was marked as dangerous goods, all main tabs (except the Order and Info tab) are inactive. Print and email are also inactive.

  4. The user can enter the data on the Order main tab.
    This includes the goods description, where dangerous goods data are entered.

  5. After the dangerous goods have been entered, the user opens the Info tab → Status system and inserts the status E-Mail to Dangerous Goods Reperesentative.

  6. The dangerous goods representative will receive an email about the file.

  7. The representative opens the file and checks the dangerous goods.
    All main tabs of the dangerous goods representative are enabled.

  8. After the check, the dangerous goods representative sets a positive or negative status on the Info tab → Status system.

  9. → If the status is positive, the user who created the file will receive an email about the successful check of the file.
        The user can open the file, all main tabs are released and can be opened.
        The dangerous goods in the goods description are non-editable.

    → If the status is negative, the user who created the file will receive an email about the UNSUCCESSFUL check of the file.
        The user can open the file to modify the data.
        Afterwards, the user sets the status E-Mail to Dangerous Goods Reperesentative on the Info tab → Status system.

The communication between all users involved takes place via the memo function within the application.

Effects in the order

Effects of the dangerous goods checkmark

  • If the dangerous goods checkmark is entered in the file entry mask, all main tabs in the order entry are disabled.

  • Print and email are also disabled.

  • The main tabs Orders and Info are not disabled.

Remove the dangerous goods checkmark

  • The dangerous goods checkmark on the Information tab can be removed as long as the user has not yet set the Status E-Mail to Dangerous Goods Reperesentative.

  • The main tabs are released for editing and the dangerous goods masks are inactive.

  • If the status has been set by the user, the checkmark cannot be removed.

Order entry without dangerous goods

If the file does not contain dangerous goods in the order entry, the masks for the dangerous goods entry in the Description of goods as well as on the Services tab are inactive.

Copy and split files

The flag to copy dangerous goods is not available in the mask to split and copy a file.