Display tab in Options
Authorization object: STAFARBV
Related pages
Color settings
for required fields
for search fields
for key fields (Codes)
for protected fields (non-editable fields, for display only)
You can select a color management in the basic data. The coloring of mask elements can be configured individually, such as the background (data window), tabs (tab page), header and footer as well as the sum area.
Transparency and color gradients are also available for selection.
The user can create his own color scheme by using the corresponding fields. Colors can be selected from a color palette.
The default schemes are CargoSoft SilverGrey, -LightGrey and –BlueSky.
Administrators can configure new color schemes in the basic data settings.
Besides the colors, users can change the font and font size. Users can then select a color scheme in the order in EXTRAS → OPTIONS → Display tab → Color scheme.
These modifications are mirrored in basic data ADMIN → EMPLOYEES → Options tab → Settings sub tab → Color scheme.
The order must be closed and the user needs to log in anew until the new color scheme can take effect.
Welcome page
Authorization object: DASHBOARD
The Welcome page field provides a dropdown list with the options Start or Dashboard.
The changes take affect after a restart of the program.
Field | Description |
Width (PBU) | Width of the sidebar |
Interval (sec.) | Interval in which the message feed is updated We recommend at least 200 seconds. |
Tooltipp | The tooltip field controls the popups/speech bubbles for certain fields in the order. The tooltip shows the description of a field or icon. |
Quicksearch active
The quicksearch applies to all search fields in the order in which a list with possible search result opens as soon as you start making an entry.
The quicksearch is usually activated in location and address fields.