Persons, institutions, addresses, CargoSoft objects, vessels

Persons, institutions, addresses, CargoSoft objects, vessels


Related pages

Check of private individuals

It is possible to conduct checks of private individuals from within the CargoSoft application. This function is especially useful if you have AEO status and are therefore obliged to check the employees of the company on a regular basis. Click here for more information.

Manual testing in the SATIS web application is explained here.


The interface between CargoSoft and the SaCos server also considers the precise verification processes.

Address data that are delivered for verification from the basic data (after entry or modification) are now divided into institutions (marked red) and addresses (marked blue).
The entries in the first three lines of the name field are checked as institutions .



All other parts of the address such as street, house number, ZIP code and country code are treated as address - marked in blue in the example.

CargoSoft objects

Addresses that were manually entered into the address fields, the free text lines 1-6 in the CargoSot order entry, and not retrieved from the basic data are sent to the SaCos server via the interface as CargoSoft objects.

The application also checks basic data addresses that were modified within the order as a result of L/C regulations or by addition of contact data.

Manually entered order address:                               


Detailed display of the address from CargoSoft:

Blocked order after check:

Vessel check – vessel names and IMO codes

The check of vessel names and IMO codes has been realized in the CargoSoft seafreight order entry with SaCos version 5.

If vessel name and/or IMO code are entered in an order, these data are transmitted to the SaCos server to be checked once you save. The result will be displayed in the order just like in other address checks.

The vessel data can be found in the SATIS application via Menu → Classification → Vessel:

The notifications of the SaCos server are similar to other Hit Mails:

An IMO code entered in the order is also checked against the sanction lists. The result will be displayed in the order. The order blocking is identical to the one after address checks:

Display of the checked IMO code in SATIS:

Detailed view of the check of the IMO Code:

This check is conducted whether the fields are automatically accepted from the vessel lists or filled manually. Another search will be triggered when you change and save the values. This check is conducted within the framework of the general complianc check that is already in use for addresses. The same tolerance values apply.

The compliance check for vessels and IMO codes is also conducted to the Ocean booking in Seafreight.