Create a new file in TMS

Create a new file in TMS


Basic data

Related pages


At the beginning of each chapter in the online webhelp, the authorization object for the topic described or the function to be explained is named, if applicable.

The desired profile numbers are assigned to the particular employee (user) in basic data ADMIN → EMPLOYEES → PROFILES/TRAFFIC AREAS.

If a user has not been assigned with a user profile, this user will not be able to execute any of the functions belonging to the number/the name as objects.


The authorizations are also controlled by

In the master data ADMIN → EMPLOYEES → Departments tab, the main departments and subdepartments in which the employee works are stored.

The department assignment is used to control which options are allowed in the file new creation window and in which combinations between MD and SD.

Department mapping

Here a mapping can be created, in which mode and area which main and sub division are available for selection.

You have the option to filter the main and sub department per mode and sector in the file entry mask.
This narrows down the selection.

  • The assignment is made in basic data ADMIN → DEPARTMENT MAPPING.

  • This function is generally used in GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Order data 2 tab with checkbox Use department mapping.

If this function is activated, the system will only offer main and sub departments that have been recorded.
→ Make a new entry via the context menu or File → New
→ Enter the main and sub department and the mode and sector that they apply to.

File number definition

How is my file number structured?
Your file number structure is defined once with the company management before you start working with CargoSoft.
Never change this structure!

All structures available to you are displayed in the order when you create a new file.
→ The dropdown menu offers all available file number definitions for selection.
→ The datasets are sorted alphabetically by description.

It is possible that you only have one structure.


The branch is pre-assigned according to your basic data settings. In the file entry mask the branch can be changed with the corresponding authorization, regardless of the BL/AWB type.

Preallocations in the file entry mask

If the function department mapping has been activated in the basic data, the file entry mask will only suggest main and sub departments which have been assigned accordingly.

Check for valid date range

When creating a new file in the areas

  • File → New

  • EDI mailbox

  • Excel Import

  • GLA-XML Create new file

the system checks whether the departure/arrival date is within the values ​​saved in Basic Data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → ORDER DATA → Date fields in order from and date fields in order to.

Additional windows displayed with the appropriate setting

Credit limit check

The OK button is not released after all required fields for the credit limit check are filled.  

Estimated balance

If this field is displayed in the file entry mask, the order cannot be saved until the estimated balance has been entered.

→  All main tabs of the file are locked.
→ If you try to save, the mask estimated balance pops up and requires the entry of these data.

After the estimated balance has been entered, the saving process is finalized. 

→ The main tabs are released