Context menu in ADS search

Context menu in ADS search


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Functions in the context menu





Save search settings

This search parameter can be set per user. After saving the search settings, assign a name to the new search.
We recommend assigning a descriptive name since the system saves all search settings per user and makes them available in all modules.

For the procedure, see ADS: Edit and save search settings.

Edit search settings

This command opens a mask with all available search settings.

Here you can change the name of the search, define another search as the default or change the settings for the automatic search.

If you define a new search as the default and confirm with OK, this search will be displayed when you open the file search in the dashboard.

Add search field

All fields can be added to the search area as a search field and saved with it.

Adding fields is explained in more detail in ADS: Edit and save search settings as an extra chapter.

Remove search field

Remove search fields and result columns from the mask.

Select distinct

With this function you can prevent the display of duplicate datasets. The result will only be displayed once.

  • Example: If there are three invoices for an order, this file will be listed three times in the search result. This may only be useful if you would like to see the voucher number.

This function is not active by default.

This setting is saved when you save new search settings. Existing searches may need to be modified and saved anew with this setting.

Show field in result

Accept the search field to the result as a result column. Select the search field which you would like to show in the result.

Edit label

You can freely name the labels (=names of fielde and columns) in the dynamic search.

For more information pls see Edit label in ADS.

Save search settings


Edit search settings

The entry Edit search settings can be used to edit the existing searches saved under an individual name.

Delete search

Searches that are no longer needed can be removed via the context menu in this window.

Click in the checkbox in front of the row to be deleted and select the entry Delete line in the context menu.

There is a control query whether the search should really be deleted.

If you confirm Yes, the search is irrevocably deleted.