Goods description tab in Invoicing


Basic data

Goods description tab in outgoing invoice


Choose different goods description in the context menu 

Select the context menu entry Select goods description.

The goods description of the order and a drop down menu with the recorded versions opens.


Similar functions are available as in the description of goods of the order or service tab:

  • Select goods description (= search mask for all existing identifiers)

  • Level down (CTRL + arrow key to the right)

  • Level up (CTRL + arrow key to the left)

  • Move line down (CTRL + arrow key down)

  • Move line up (CTRL + arrow key up)

  • Update quantities

  • Delete all lines

  • Original layout

  • Save layout

The description of the goods can be changed manually or via the search mask, lines can be added or deleted. The plausibility functions access the same functions as for the description of goods in the order.

Edit the goods description

Attention: When changing the description of goods, the quantity information in the header data of the receipt is not automatically updated!

This is done when the function Update quantity information is carried out in the local menu of the description of goods.

The quantity information in the header data of the document is updated.

In addition, no quantities are automatically changed in the Voucher items (eafapo_t. quantity)!

Special features in the individual modes

  • In the ROAD (RD) mode there are also the columns loading meters and parking spaces.

  • In the SEA and RAIL modes, the

WBCWeight=N entry in the GlobalSettings can be used to hide the Chargeable Weight.
  The setting is also available in the order description of goods.

Reports - important note for setting up this function

For this change, new reports are required for invoice printing.

In addition, a new invoice layout is required in the basic data ADMIN → INVOICE LAYOUT, as well as corresponding entries for each employee's language in ADMIN → Forms in Forms so that printers can be stored and the eFile can be activated.

The changes for the reports are chargeable.