Cost splitting in the invoicing in the order

Cost splitting in the invoicing in the order


Cost splitting tab in the Invoicing


The new tab will automatically display the belonging consol or sub files.


In the seafreight, the system first searches for Consol or sub files. If no sub files can be found, the search is then conducted via the B/L number.

In the airfreight, the system automatically searches via the MAWB number. The corresponding HAWB numbers are also displayed in the overview.

If no files are found or the search result is to be expanded, files can also be added manually.
This can be done by adding additional lines in the scroll area and entering the desired file number. A search mask is also available for the determination of the desired file number.

All files entered here must have their own account sheet!

It is also checked whether the files are not closed.
The invoicing cannot be carried out on closed files.

A base, on which the data are to be split, has to be selected for the distribution of the costs.

The following bases are available:


Freight ton




Chargeable Weight (in the airfreight)




Quantity of the pieces


Loading metres (Road)


Shipment (Road)

The basis is equal for all files.

After the selection of the desired base, the corresponding weights or the volume is read and the percentage distribution is calculated.

The actual amounts are calculated and posted to the files with the background application Batch Invoicing after saving the voucher.

After this calculation has taken place, the voucher can be viewed and amounts can be checked.

If the split for a file equals 0, a corresponding warning message will appear.

Please check the present weight or volume.

Voucher items tab at cost splitting

The billing can be created as usual on the tab Voucher items:

The amounts are distributed to the files and booked accordingly after having been saved:

A warning message as a query appears if the total amount is to be distributed during a cost split e.g. in the seafreight based on the basis CW for Chargeable Weight.

This is always 0,00 in seafreight files because CW = airfreight CW.

When accepting the cost splitting, another query will appear, asking for whether the difference (in this case the entire amount) should be booked on the 1. file.

This serves as a warning message.