Collective invoice (Outgoing collective invoice)

Collective invoice (Outgoing collective invoice)


Cancelling collective invoices

A collective invoice can also be cancelled as a whole.
→ It is not possible to cancel separate collective invoice files.

Open the file with the Collective invoice header for the cancellation.
→ Click on the collective invoice header with the right mouse key and select Cancel voucher.

The collective invoice including all collective invoice files is now cancelled.

Editing collective invoices

A collective invoice can even be edited if the collective invoice header has already been completed.

For this, it must be generally permitted to edit receivables (COMPANY → INVOICING → Invoice changeable = Y).
Furthermore, the voucher cannot have been transferred to the financial accounts department.

Please open the file with the collective voucher header or the collective voucher items – depending on what is to be edited.
Switch to the Invoicing Tab through the context menu → Edit voucher or double click on the voucher in order to open the voucher to edit it.

A query, asking for whether the entire collective voucher is supposed to be reopened, will appear.


If YES, the entire collective voucher is opened.
It is not possible to open and edit single collective voucher items.

The selected voucher is opened.
Any edits can be made and saved.
Single collective voucher items can be deleted or newly added.

The collective voucher header needs to be closed in order to complete the edit.