HAWB sub tab in the Profitshare AIR tab in the Invoicing tab

HAWB sub tab in the Profitshare AIR tab in the Invoicing tab


Per HAWB, the amounts for

  • Quantity

  • Gross weight

  • Volume

  • Chargeable weight

are displayed – separately per normal goods, dangerous goods DGR and over length OVL. These values serve as a model for the billing lines, which can be added below per HAWB.

The amounts for the Selling price are suggested from the costs from the Goods and Dimensions tab of the HAWB.

The P/S-Rate is accepted from the average rate of the MAWB and can be edited manually.

The amounts for the Purchase (Purch.) are the result of → Chargeable Weight * P/S-Rate

When changing the Chargeable Weight or the P/S-Rate, the purchase is newly calculated. The amount Purch. can also be edited manually.  

Additional costs per HAWB can be entered into the billing lines. These costs are added up and entered into the line Oth. charges.


The column MAWB is filled with the amount from the tab MAWB. AWB is selected as a distribution, so that the amount of 10.208,08 was divided equally to all HAWBs.

The amount can also be divided by weight or volume.

The splitting ratio is in this case 50 %. The suggestion is from the tab MAWB, but can be edited per HAWB.

This results in the corresponding amount in the column P/S Agent – here 50 % on the profit.

The HAWB number is displayed for information only. A posting text can also be entered (max. 80 characters), which can also appear on the print. A current number is displayed on the right.
This is also for information only and for checking purposes, whether the additional billing lines were assigned correctly.  

In the basic data AIR FREIGHT → RATES → CAF CHARGES there is the possibility to store billing codes which are suggested when the air freight profit share is created.
→ The proposal is made for each HAWB on the sub-tab HAWB.

Billing lines

Additional billing lines can be recorded per HAWB. For this, enter a billing code. Depending on the basis, quantity, volume or weight are suggested and possibly the price from the billing code.

Please pay attention to which line you are located in!

The file number, the HAWB number, and the line number are displayed again below. Select the HAWB above with the cursor and click on the section of the billing lines below. Using the arrow keys may cause a confusion in which mask you are located. Copying lines is not permitted at this point. Otherwise, the current numbers might get mixed up and the billing lines cannot be assigned to the HAWBs.