Internal voucher for CAF profit share AIR
If you have selected Profit Share AIR as a division, no internal vouchers will be created. The checkbox book is not available for Profit Share AIR!
Basic data
Bookings on the HAWBs
An internal voucher per profit share can be found on the Account sheet tab of the HAWB files.
The internal vouchers are also shown on the Invoicing tab.
The voucher can be viewed and printed through the entry Print preview in the context menu.
Counter booking
The counter booking takes place on the file that is entered in the air parameter in the Consol branch.
→ All counter bookings take place here.
→ Preallocations in Set up CAF profit share AIR.
Cancellation of a CAF voucher
The voucher, as well as the internal vouchers, are cancelled when cancelling a Profit Share voucher.
The voucher is cancelled in the Consol file in the Overview tab in Invoicing via the context menu → Cancel voucher.
Save the displayed voucher header data in order to create the cancellation voucher.
The cancellation voucher is now also displayed in the overview.
In HAWB files, the cancellation Profit Share voucher plus the cancellation internal voucher are booked.
Despite the cancellation, the field Posting text will display the voucher number of the original Profit Share voucher as well as the dummy file for the counter booking.
HAWB 1 →
HAWB 2 →
The internal vouchers are also cancelled in the dummy file of the Consol department.
The voucher number of the original Profit Share voucher as well as the HAWB file number are also displayed in the posting text: