Entry via Addresses (A)

Entry via Addresses (A)


Search criteria tab Addresses


General tab - search result with personal accounts

The result of the personal account with the essential data from the address basic data and the current account balance (sum of all open items) is displayed:


Edit view → save layout

This view can be altered.

You can switch between the displayed amounts of a personal account with the left mouse key or the cursor keys.

In the upper example, the columns were adjusted so that the information about the credit limit and the sum of all open items (account balance) are displayed in the front; followed by the relevant address information.

This view can be saved with the entry Save layout in the context menu.

Context menu in the search result of the entry A

The local menu provides the option to print or export (e.g. to Excel) the display view.

Switching to the address basic data of the corresponding address is also possible.

The current display view can be exported via the entry Export current view in the right mouse menu.

Field Balance

The voucher view can be opened via double click on the field Balance.

Persons and age structure sub tabs

The lower part of the mask provides the option to switch from the currently activated view of the personal account to the view of the age structure of the open items.

An additional view will appear, displaying the distribution of the open files on the last six months as well as their sum in older than 12 months and older than 6 months.

  • This display view can also be printed and exported. You can alter the column width and order.

Via double click on the selected (highlighted with a dark background) line, the Statement mask opens.

This link works from the tabs Persons as well as Age structure.

Statement tab

This tab displays the vouchers of a personal account.

If the authorisation exists, it is possible to switch to the payment entry for a voucher (local menu).

Here you can also carry out prints (dunning letters, open items list, account statement) → authorisations are necessary.

A link to the account sheet of the corresponding file is also possible.

This view can also be changed in column width and order.

The dunning level can be changed in the column Dunning (controlled by an authorisation).