Set up the open items module
The setup takes place per client.
Pls see Open Items Basic data in ACCOUNTING.
Pls see Open Items Client in ACCOUNTING.
Pls see Open Items Groups in ACCOUNTING.
There is the Authorization for OP module sub tab in the Options tab in EMPLOYEES.
Field/Checkbox | Description |
Open items processing over all clients | If Y, open items can be searched and edit over all clients. |
Date of the last open items use | Display, when the open items module was last used from this employee. |
Authorisation for OP group | If you are working with open items groups, you can search for OP groups here or enter the code manually. |
Create text modules for reports
The basic data application for editing the text modules is located in ADMIN → TEXTS → TEXT MODULES.
Here you can search e.g. all text modules deposited for the dunning header in the field Type.
Field Type for open items
The following types currently exist:
MK | Dunning letter – Header |
MP | Dunning letter – File (Dunning lines = vouchers) |
MF | Dunning letter – Footers |
KK | Statement – Header |
KP | Statement – File |
KF | Statement – Footer |
You can also use variables in a text module that are filled with content during the time frame of the application (e.g. print of the dunning letter).
Thus the phone number of the activated client is inserted into the text modules MK with [USTEL] when printing the dunning letter.
Variables for text modules
If these variables are inserted into a text module, the content of these variables is printed when printing the corresponding form (account statement or dunning letter).
Variables for text modules of the type MK and KK:
[KONTO]: Personal account (= address number).
[AKTDATE]: Date of the last account update
[USER]: Name of the user logged in the open items module
[USMAIL]: Email address of the user logged in the open items module
[USTEL]: Phone number of the user logged in the open items module
[VUSER]: Name of the user responsible for this personal account
[VUSMAIL]: Email address of the responsible user
[VUSTEL]: Phone number of the responsible user
Variables for text modules of the type MP and KP:
[SALDO]: Current personal account balance in house currency
[SOLL]: Debit in house currency
[HABEN]: Credit in house currency
[ZAHLHWG]: Sum of the payment amounts in house currency
[ZAHLFWG]: Sum of the payment amounts in foreign currency
[HWG]: House currency key
[FWG]: Foreign currency key
[BELDATE]: Voucher date
[FALDATE]: Due date
The print is controlled via a Crystal Reports document per type and per text module. This enables an individual design of the dunning letter and the account statement.
Text modules can be deposited in different languages.
They can be saved over all clients or specifically for a client.
→ Pls see → Installing the client text modules in Open Items Basic data in ACCOUNTING.
Authoritations - List of all objects
The following objects, which can be assigned to the authorisation profiles, are available:
Object | Authorisation |
STAOPMANDANT | Necessary to use the application Open items client on the Financial accounting tab. |
STAOPSTAMM | Necessary to use the application Open items basic data on the Financial accounting tab. |
OPMODULE | Necessary to use the open items module. |
OPMODULEEDITMAHN | Dunning level and dunning indicator editable in the search result. |
OPMODULEEDITTXTKO | Text module editable before the print. |
OPMODULVERRECH | Necessary to use the Offsetting tab. |
OPSPERRKONTEN | Necessary to record blocked accounts (only for entry A). |
OPMODULEBEARBEITEN | Necessary to record payments. |
OPMODULGRUPPE | Necessary to use the Group payments tab. |
OPOPENADR | Necessary for entry A = Addresses |
OPOPENBE | Necessary for entry B = Vouchers |
OPSUPERUSER | Only useful if the supervisor feature is used in the addresses. A user with this authorisation can view all addresses in the open items module with entry A, even if the user is not indicated as the supervisor and has not been assigned to an open items group. |