Create a TOUR

Create a TOUR


Basic Data

Related pages

Fields in the Tour creation mask

Checkbox Shipment
Checkbox Tour
Checkbox Direct shipment
Checkbox KEP

This is the order type in the Road module.

A Tour receives the order type TOUR.

The order type is pre-assigned from the basic data Employees in ADMIN or from the menu Environment → Options in the Extras menu.

The field is titled B/L type Cargosoft company-internal.

File no. definition in ADMIN

The file definition is pre-assigned.
A preview of the file number appears underneath this field as soon as all required fields relevant for the file are filled (departments, ets/eta).
In addition, a dropdown menu appears in the tour creation, in which the tour type is selected.

It is recommended to use an own file definition for tours.

File number 

The file no. is available as soon as all required fields are filled and a number range exists for the selected main and sub departments.

Tour type

The tour types are the following:

  • Long-distance traffic international

  • Long-distance traffic national

  • Short-distance traffic

Order sector

In the order sector there is the option to enter the the area of a tour

The selectable content depends on the Tour type.


Tour type Longdistance traffic international

Tour type Longdistance traffic national

Tour type Shortdistance traffic

Tour type Longdistance traffic international

Tour type Longdistance traffic national

Tour type Shortdistance traffic

  • Export

  • Import

  • Transport

  • Arrival

  • Outgoing

  • Transport

  • Pickup

  • Delivery

  • Transport


= order date
The current day's date is suggested as the order date.

To use a different date, overwrite it or double-click in the field to select a date from the calendar.

Main department

The main department is pre-assigned according to your settings in the employee options.
You can select the main department from the dropdown menu.

Sub department

The sub department is pre-assigned according to your settings in the employee options.
You can select the sub department from the dropdown menu.

Dangerous goods

If your shipment is or contains dangerous cargo, pls set the checkmark in the Dangerous goods box.


The client is used to load mask sets and mandatory fields when creating a new file.

If a customer is specified here, the customer checkmark is immediately set at file creation (A1) and the specified customer entered.

With a click on OK you get to the header data of the tour.