Customs data tab in BL

Customs data tab in BL


Links to further information

Basic data


Addresses in the Customs data tab

Address numbers and codes of the first 3 B/L addresses are automatically accepted into the Customs data tab - they are non-editable.

For the shipper, consignee and notify, this also includes contact details such as

  • Contact

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Email

  • Tracking No.
    Shipments to Nigeria require the transmission of the CNT Cargo Tracking No.
    Please use this field for the entry.

Specific requirements per country

The addresses on this tab are non-editable so that crucial registration numbers for the import into the countries Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, China can be entered and transmitted according to the customs provisions.

Brasil: For example, this may be the TAX ID for shipments to Brazil, which requires this registration number for the import.

China/Indonesia: Customs data for AWB and B/L transmission setup.

Tabular display of the country-specific customs requirements for the B/L


Source: https://www.dakosy.de/fileadmin/Redakteur/Support/Dokumentation/Entwicklerdokumentation/EDI/Bill_of_Lading/tabellarische_uebersicht_laenderspezifische_Pruefungen_20101122.pdf

China/Indonesia: Transmit important Customs data

Company identification code + number and contact partner

Various countries require an identification code and number for national addresses.
This is the VAT ID no. for European addresses; the tax number or another unique number for other countries.
The following details are transmitted along with the B/L (seafreight):

  1. Company code identifier + number

  2. Contact person: name

  3. Contact person: phone no.

  4. Contact person: fax no. (optional)

  5. AEO status (optional)

The data are transmitted from the Customs data tab along with the B/L in the seafreight module.

→ Enter the Reg. No (Company Identifier code + number) as well as the contact person and phone number.

This entry must be made for shipper and consignee; for 'to-order' shipments also for the notify as well.

CargoSoft supports this process by pre-assigning the Reg. No. with details from the basic data.

The phone number is pre-assigned from the address (main tab). 

The phone number (Shipper, Consignee, Notify) and the company code are printed in the CargoSoft standard manifests (CMSACO, CMSABL) .

Manually fill the contact person or select one from the basic data by making a double click into the Contact field and opening the search for address partners.

Document print/Manifests

The phone number (Shipper, Consignee, Notify) and the Company Code are printed in the CargoSoft standard manifests (CMSACO, CMSABL).

  • The CargoSoft standard manifests (CMSACO, CMSABL) in the seafreight module will be extended.

  • Phone number and company code are printed for the shipper, consignee and notify.

  • These data are recorded on the Customs data tab in BL.

Please note that only the standard forms are affected by the change.

Individual forms and reports are excluded from the changes and must be adapted separately.