Context menu in the Consolidation tab
Print and email HBLs
On the Consolidation tab of a consol file you can print or email all B/Ls of its HBL files.
The HBL can be emailed from this mask through a connected Email program or sent to a printer.
This requires that a B/L form is entered on the BL tab → Instructions in the HBL files.
Every HBL file has a checkbox.
→ Select the files you would like to print or email by activating their checkboxes.
The context menu provides the commands Select all and Unselect all.
Select Print HBLs or Email HBLs in the context menu.
Print HBLs → All forms are consecutively sent to the recorded printer.
Email HBLs → The B/L forms are processed and atached to an email.
This applies to Consol B/Ls and Consol container B/Ls.
If one of the HBL files does not contain a B/L form, the system will issue a corresponding message incl. file number.
This process is repeated for all files with forms.
Select/unselect sub files in the consolidation container
Click Select all to select all files in the lower section at once. Click Unselect all to deselect the files.
Open file in the Consolidation tab
If required (e.g. if the entries in the tally do not correspond go the original dimensions or weight), to open and edit thes sub/individual file.
→ Select the local menu item [Open file].
The selected file opens; you can access all tabs.
Close the file after you have made all necessary changes.
The consol file will show the updated data, e.g. the corrected weight:
Edit dimensions in HBL files
The Gateway branch needs to be able to correct or add to the dimensions in the HB/L files.
This can be done without having to open the file.
An authorization for the department and branch of the HBL file may not be available and is not required for this function.
Click on the relevant line/file and select Edit dimensions.
For a detailed description of this procedure, see Gateway as profit center Seafreight
Editing dimensions generates message
The function Edit dimensions can be performed per HB/L in the consol.
Per HB/L, the a message is sent to the emplyoee responsible for the HB/L file.
The message displays all available dimension lines of all filled Versions in the goods description - even those that were not changed.
Message about changed dimensions:
→ The old value is displayed on the left, the new value on the right.
Updating HBL files generates message
Changes to the HBL in seafreight consol files are displayed in the messages:
If you change details in the HBL via the functions Edit dimensions (of HBL files) and Activate HBL files from consol, the system makes a message entry in the sidebar of the responsible employee.
Using the function Update house files (i.e. sub files, ...) will generate one message with all changed HB/Ls per employee.
This message only displays the data that were changed.
Message about updated house files in the consol:
→ The old value is displayed on the left, the new value on the right.