Enable Services tab in the order
The Services tab must be activated as an order tab before it appears as a separate tab in the order.
Enter a consecutive number into the field Services.
→ The tab in the order is set to this position in the table bar.
Authorization object: STASERVICES
Here you can make preallocations for the Services tab.
The menu is divided into three sections.
In the upper section you can search for existing datasets.
Middle section in Services
The search result is displayed in the middle section. Here you can also enter and modify datasets.
- Use the context menu to add/insert/delete/copy lines.
- You can make preallocations per branch and mode.
→ There can only be one dataset per branch and mode.
Column | Description | ||||||||||||
Show in sidebar | In the column Show in sidebar you can determine whether the left sidebar of the Services tab ought to display only containers or also the packages from the First level of the goods description. | ||||||||||||
Format reference number | The field Format reference number may contain an alternative format for reference numbers for transport orders. The following placeholders are available:
You can additionally add letters and characters to the reference number format. | ||||||||||||
Preallocation new file | In the column Preallocation new file you can select a set defined in the basic data ADMIN → PREALLOCATION. |
Lower section in Services
In the lower section you can make further preallocations for a line entered in the middle section. önnen jeweils zu einer im Mittelteil erfassten Zeile weitere Vorbelegungen eingestellt werden.
Here you can define the sector and service type that the preallocations ought to apply to.
- A specific combination of branch/mode/sector and service type may only exist once.
Mode of transport and the address of the service provider can be pre-assigned as well.
The mode of transport entered in the order has priority over the basic data.
If only the first goods description level is active, only this first level is accepted from the order into the goods description of the transport order.
Otherwise all sub levels will be imported into the goods description of the transport order.
This setting only takes effect if you pull the container from the sidebar into the transport order via drag and drop.
Example for select level in the goods description
Example for import of the first goods description level into the service order via drag and drop
Example for a goods description in the Services tab after drag and drop and the setting '1.level desc.'
Required fields for the Services tab are defined in basic data COMPANY → REQUIRED FIELDS.
→ Select the required field type SERVICES.
The Reports application integrates reports for printing.
To integrate reports into the Forms tab in the Services tab, enter [TP2] into the field Prg ID 1.
ADMIN → REPORTS → Profiles tab
The sector must be entered on the Profiles tab in order for the document to appear on the tab.
The address qualifiers for the services are currently not available in the basic data program ADMIN → ADDRESS QUALIFIER.
→ They are listed below for the sake of completeness.
The address qualifiers for the Services tab are the following:
Service order address | Address qualifier | tpkopf_t field | Description |
T1 | TPSHP | tpkopf_t.lade | Shipper/Customer |
T2 | TPTRA | tpkopf_t.lade2 | Trucker/Service provider |
T3 | TPAGT | tpkopf_t.lade3 | Agent/Customs clearance |
T4 | TPINV | tpkopf_t.lade4 | Freight payer/Invoice recipient |
T5 | TPPUP | tpkopf_t.loesch | Place of receipt/Pick up address |
T6 | TPDEL | tpkopf_t.loesch2 | Place of delivery/ Pick up 2 |
T7 | TPCNE | tpkopf_t.loesch3 | Consignee/Authorized person |
ADMIN → CS CODES → CS CODES EXT → Add service types
The /wiki/spaces/ONLINEDOKENENGLO/pages/30686375 is selected for every service order.
The service type controls the entry masks and required fields.
CargoSoft provides standard service types:
- These are the codes T–Truck and R–Rail.
- If necessary, CargoSoft can activate additional codes, e.g. V–VGM, K–KEP.
- You can also record your own codes to control individual masks.
Field | Entry |
Type | [TPVERKEHR] |
Qualifier | [ALL] |
Note → Record your own codes:
If you would like to record your own codes, please use codes with NUMBERS!
CargoSoft only provides codes with letters. → This prevents duplicates.
ADDRESSES → Address tab → EDI References sub tab
The Address tab → EDI References sub tab in the address basic data contains qualifiers for the use of the service order.
These qualifiers are used for the dispatch via EDI interfaces.
Select qualifier [TPKPFF] for a service provider.
The [EDI-Partner] is entered as the Reference.
Extras → Mask editor
Mask set control for service orders
A Mask set can be created per Service provider in combinatio with a service type.
You can thus create an individual mask with required fields for every case of application.
This description only covers the standard masks.
The following contents can be adjusted with the mask editor (mask type: Services):
- Header data
- Addresses
- Goods (mask type: goods description service): details, container data, customs.