HAWB files: create HAWBs for external branches
Authorization object: CHANGEBRANCHAIRI
You need an authorization to be able to assign the gateway station to HAWBs of external branches when creating the shipment.
With this authorization you can select the branch in the file entry mask with AWB type House (section: import).
This dropdown list will provide all branches the gateway user is authorized for.
Assign branch:
Consol (Gateway file)
The consolidation takes place in the consol file.
Add HAWBs – Consol filing
If you have selected AWB type Master (Consol) in the file entry mask, the Consol tab will be available in the order.
Here you can assign House files to the Consol file.
You can add files by
- typing in the file number or
- entering the HAWB no. in the field File.
You can also use a handheld scanner.
A search mask for HAWBs is available via double click or F2.
Search mask for HAWB files in the consol
The airport of departure of the consol file is pre-assigned as a search criterion by default.
In basic data AIRFREIGHT → AIR PARAMETER → CONSOL you can additionally pre-assign your own branch or the MAWB no.
Enter all requird search criteria and start the search for HAWBs.
You will only be able to select HAWBs that have not been assigned to a consol file or do not have AWB type B2B (→ see field AWB type on the Statistic tab).
CONSOL - Search for HAWBs:
Accept HAWBs on the Consol tab
Accept the files into the consol by activating their checkbox in the search mask for HAWB files in the consol.
You can use the context menu if you would like to select all files.
Confirm with OK to accept the selected HAWBs.
- The program will issue the following message if oyu have accepted a HAWB without volume (dimensions or cbm):
The selected HAWBs will appear on the Consol tab including information about quantity/weight/chargeable weight/cbm and total (total collect charges according to the AWB Main tab).
The program recalculates the chargeable weight for the consol.
The chargeable weight will be displayed in the column CWeight Consol.
CONSOL - Display of consolidated HAWBs - Consol files sub tab:
The sub tab Dimensions shows the HAWBs with their dimensions/cbm.
CONSOL - Display of volume information of the HAWBs - sub tab Dimensions:
Context menu in the Consol tab
- Open file = To open a HAWB file from within the consol, activate the checkbox of the corresponding line and select the context menu command Open file.
- Delete line = Click Delete line to remove the HAWBs from the consol file.