Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Aura panel

This basic data program is divided into three sections:

  • Upper section: Search fields

  • Middle section: Entry/modification

  • Lower section: Selection/assignment depending on the required field type

You can define required fields per...

  • Client

  • Branch

  • Mode

  • Sector

  • Main department

  • Sup department

  • Customer

  • B/L type

  • AWB type

  • per tour and shipment in the Road sector

Additional mask fields (addon fields) can also be inserted. Visually, they are marked with an @.

CargoSoft provides fixed required fields by default. These are always displayed in addition to your own required fields.



Table of Contents
Child pages (Children Display)

Topic in the order


The details for each required field type are explained here:



Checkbox active

If checkboxes are activated, the entry is considered in the search result.


To add new datasets, select Add or insert line and Copy line and enter the relevant details.

Field description for both required field types



Required fields type

Mandatory fields can be defined for the order or services.

  • If you select the requierd field type Order, the mandatory fields B/L and AWB types as well as Road, Rail and CEP are displayed in the lower area.

  • If you select the required field type Services, the required fields for each service type and transport type are defined in the lower section.


Use the checkbox toactivate or deactivate the required fields. 

When a new record is created, the checkbox is activated by default.


The column Prio displays thepriority of the datasets.

Use the arrows to change the priorities of the lines.
The first line has the hightest priority and is the first one to be taken into account by the program.
If there is more than one dataset that meets the requirements, the program always uses the line with the highest priority (the first line).


Entry of the client. The client can be entered manually.


Entry of the branch(es).

You have the option to enter one dataset for several branches.
If the entry is to apply to all branches leave the field blank.

The field can only be filled through search mask (double click).


Activate the checkboxes of the respective mode/sector.

Main departments

Entry of the main department(s).

You have the option to enter one dataset for several main departments.
If the entry is to apply to all main departments leave the field blank.

The field can only be filled through search mask (double click).

Sub departments

Entry of the sub department(s).

You have the option to enter one dataset for several subd departments.
If the entry is to apply to all sub departments leave the field blank.

The field can only be filled through search mask (double click).


Entry of the customer.

The field can only be filled through search mask (double click).

Sorting is only possible with all lines, i.e. without having entered search criteria.
The following query appears if you try to sort with only parts of the dataset:
The sorting is only possible if all data is shown. Would you like to load all data?

Select and assign


In thelower section you assign the required fields to the selected line in the middle section.

Here you decide which required fields are to be loaded.


The selected line is highlighted in color.


To make an entry, open the seach mask in the field Required Fields via double click. The

Select the Add line entry in the context menu to obtain an editing line:


Double click in the Required fields field - the mask Enter required fields opens:


Double click into the line that is highlighted in color.

The search result opens in the mask Select field, providing fields of the tables eakopf_t and eaairkopf_t.


Confirm with OK to accept the required fields. Note

With the checkboxes SEA CON, DIR, HBL, XXX, AIR CON, IATA, HAWB, SMAWB, MHAWB, RES, TOUR, SHPT you can select the required fields per BL/AWB type or the ROAD sector.

image-20240415-140410.pngImage Removed

After you have entered all data, click Save.
