Country Code
CargoSoft checks if the entered country code is available in the country table.
This code must be recorded as a UN code → ORDER → COUNTRIES → field UN country.
If the UN code cannot be found in the country table, the program determines the country from the Airports and uses it for the transmission:
- The country of the departure airport is used for the shipper address.
- The country of the last airport is used for the consignee and notify addresses.
Most ZIP codes of addresses in the USA are separated by a hyphen, which constitutes the sixth digit. The system automatically removes this hyphen to transmit all characters, i.e. all 9 characters of the ZIP code, e.g. 12345-6789 → transmission: 123456789.
The entered state code (field Region in the address) is transmitted just like it was entered.
- If you have manually entered the address in the order, there will be no check against a basic data table.
- If an address only contains a P.O. box without a street, the transmission program checks whether the field Street is filled in the address basic data.
- If there is no entry, the P.O. box is transmitted instead.
→ If you have activated the alternative address layout, the P.O. box needs to be entered in the Street field.
Overview fields for transmission
Field | This field is now located on this tab: |
Accounting Information Accounting information are transmitted with 6 lines. | These two fields are located in the AWB Main tab. |
Handling Information Handling information are transmitted with 4 lines of 65 characters each. | |
Routing Information A routing provided by the airline must be indicated upon AWB transmission. | These fields are located in the AWB Main tab. |
Character transmission The entire AWB can be transmitted with up to 216 characters, priorized as follows:
Characters exceeding this number will be truncated. | |
Other charges The field Charge info in basic data INVOICING → BILLING CODES → Billing data tab must be filled with the IATA code for the billing codes used on the Other charges tab.
Most airlines only accept up to 9 different OC codes. | These codes are displayed in the order: AWB Main tab → Other Charges tab. |
Weights and amounts Weights are transmitted with 1 decimal place, amounts with 2 decimal places. | |
Volume The volume is transmitted with 2 decimal places. Example: A volume of 0.004 in the shipment is rounded to 0.01. | |
Structure of the flight number Flight numbers are structured as follows: Entries such as FAV (First Available) or TRK (Truck) are not accepted by e.g. CHAMP. | |
Phone number of the recipient The telephone number of the recipient is required by some airlines. Some airlines (such as LH) require the contact details in the Notify address field. | |
Payment method Some airlines also require the payment method. You can currently enter the following payment methods (manually): | CH field in the AWB Control tab in AWB Main: |
Commodity Code Please make sure to enter the correct commodity code in the Goods description. | |
Rate class The rate class must be filled correctly as well, otherwise it may be rejected by the airline.
| |
Contact details Contract partner details (name incl. first name and phone number) must be transmitted for the addresses shipper, consignee and notify. These details are taken from the Addresses tab → Partner.
If this qualifier is not recorded in any of the partners, the partner details from the first line are used instead. | |
Company Identification Code and Number The transmission requires an identification number depending on the country.
The table on page Customs data for AWB and B/L transmission setup shows the transmission of the registration number of different countries. | |
HS Codes The HS codes entered on the Goods and Dimensions tab are transmitted during eAWB transmission. |
China/Indonesia: Customs relevant data for eAWB transmission
As of June 1st 2018, China and Indonesia and meanwhile various other countries require certain tax numbers and contact partner details upon electronic AWB transmission.
Identification number/company identification code and number
Various countries require an identification code and number for national addresses.
This is the UST ID number for European addresses and the tax number or another unique number for other countries.
The following data additionally transmitted along with the B/L (seafreight) and the AWB (airfreight):
Company code identifier + number
Contact partner name (first- and lastname)
Contact partner phone number
Contact partner fax number (optional)
AEO status (optional)
See Customs data for AWB and B/L transmission setup for information on how to record the required data in the basic data, about the transmission logic and an overview in tabular form.
Adjustments to the AWB print and manifests
When you print the AWB, the contact partner details such as tax/VAT ID no., name and phone number of the contact partner, are printed in the fields Shipper, Consignee, and Notify.
These details are also taken into account in the AirCargo and Cargo Manifest.
Attention: Address and contact details may overlap due to lack of space on the printed AWB.
This modification only applies to standard reports.
All individually customized customer reports are not affected by this modification and must be adjusted separately if necessary.