Scope of TOM connections

CargoSoft currently offers the following connections to the following service providers:

AC03 interface

MOT Rail

with Transfracht TFG

indiwa interface

for FCL transports

with several trucking companies

cargosupport interface

for FCL container transports

with several trucking companies

Fortras interface

for LCL road transports

with Oetjen, Carl Jürgensen, IGS and Beyer Transport


for LCL truck transports


sendIT interface

for KEP service provider

with DHL, Hellmann, TNT, UPS, Fedex etc.

Layout of the header data tab for the various connections

Due to the mask editor the windows are individually designed, so that the header data tab looks different for each external connection.

In the subordinate pages, the view is shown separately for each connection and the various additional fields are indicated.