Versions Compared


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Basic data


Field Account type: Voucher types tab in FINANCIAL INTERFACE


Field Posting text in the Open accruals tab


Field Accruals per activity type: Incoming invoice tab in INVOICING in COMPANY


Table of Contents

Basic data


If open accruals are accessed in the incoming invoice, the posting text from the accrual is also displayed in the voucher item line


Field Cheque paid

Create Accruals for which Cheque Payment is expected

Authorization object for the cheque journal: STATSCHECK


Accruals can be marked with a special indicator Cheque paid during the creation.
Create the accrual as usual and set the cheque indicator in the field Cheque paid.

Print a cheque/report

A report (=cheque) can also be printed upon the entry (Print via Environment menu → Invoicing → Cheque journal).
→ For this, activate the checkbox Print cheque upon entering on the Administration tab in INVOICING in COMPANY.

Closing an accrual in the incoming invoicing

If only file lines with activated Cheque paid are located later on in the accruals in the incoming invoicing, the incoming invoice is automatically marked with the indicator Paid.

Numbering cheque accruals
