Field Cheque paid in accruals

Field Cheque paid in accruals


Basic data

Field Cheque paid

Create Accruals for which Cheque Payment is expected

Authorization object for the cheque journal: STATSCHECK

Used reports:
Cheque print SCHECKA   scheck_auto.rpt
Cheque journal  SCHECKJ scheckbuch.rpt

Accruals can be marked with a special indicator Cheque paid during the creation.
Create the accrual as usual and set the cheque indicator in the field Cheque paid.

Print a cheque/report

A report (=cheque) can also be printed upon the entry (Print via Environment menu → Invoicing → Cheque journal).
→ For this, activate the checkbox Print cheque upon entering on the Administration tab in INVOICING in COMPANY.

Numbering cheque accruals

If desired, you can an individual number range for these accruals. You then receive separate consecutive numbers (= cheque number) for this accrual.

Select COMPANY → INVOICING → Number range tab and enter the desired number range into the field Cheque recording.