Number range tab in INVOICING in COMPANY

Number range tab in INVOICING in COMPANY


Topic in the order

Basic data


Field description number ranges


In the order


In the order


For a voucher number assignment per year, activate the checkbox Annually.

Increment voucher number over ALL years

If this checkbox is not active, voucher numbers are incremented over all years.

Accordingly, the number range has the entries month 0 and year 0



Number range section

Entry of a number range for the assignment of voucher numbers.

Please make sure that the number range is available in basic data before entering the number range code.

If this field is filled with a value, the voucher number is automatically assigned through a number range once you save.
The voucher numbers can either be incremented yearly or continuously over all years.

Manual voucher number assignment

The manual assignment of voucher numbers in the incoming invoicing is activated if the field Number range is not filled for a voucher type.

Activate the checkbox Unique voucher no. in basic data Incoming invoice tab in INVOICING in COMPANY to prevent duplicate numbers when manually assigning the internal voucher number.

Incoming invoices/credit notes

It is furthermore possible to assign alternative number ranges for the payable numbers in the branch basic data.

If the voucher number is to be assigned manually, simply do not fill the field Number range for Incoming invoices/credit notes
In the basic data you can also determine whether the voucher number ought to be unequivocal or may be assigned multiple times.

CAF voucher

Assignment of the number range for internal voucher generated by the Airfreight CAF profit share.

Default accounting period Outgoing invoice/Transfer book. and Incoming Invoice

This field is a required field if the accounting period in the payable is pre-assigned based on basic data settings.

P = file no. definition→ from the date of the file

Order of the preallocation:
If the file number (setting P) in the voucher header is not filled because this voucher is a collective invoice, the accounting period is pre-assigned according to the invoice date!

Default accounting period Incoming Invoice

M = Highest service month of file numbers

This setting is required for determining the accounting period when automatically reading the incoming voucher → Central and automatic processing of incominAutomatic processing of incoming vouchersg vouchers.

Default accounting period Accruals 

The setting Default accounting period for outgoing invoice applies if the field Default accounting period for accruals is not filled.

Warning: Upon dissolution of the accrual by the invoicing, the accounting period of the invoicing is inserted into the field accounting period closure. 

Only if the checkmark default accounting period accruals is filled - with e.g. P - then the accounting period of the file is closed.

Payable entry

  • With default accounting period = P, the accounting period is updated with every change of the file number.

  • With default accounting period  = J/R, the accounting period is updated with every change of the voucher date.

Otherwise the accounting period is only modified if it has not yet been filled.

  • Default accounting period = empty there is no update because it is only recorded manually.

Changing the accounting period and overwriting the automatic preallocation is only possible at the very end.

This setting also takes effect in partial dissolutions that lead to new accruals.

The accounting period of the voucher is only relevant if there is no preallocation, e.g. if Default ... Accrual has not been filled and Default ... Outgoing invoice is X.

One-time address

One-time address with numbering

If you would like to use this one-time address, a number range must be recorded in the field One-time address.
This number range must also be available in basic data Number ranges in ADMIN.
The number range, e.g. EINM receives the entries year = 0 and month = 0.

A new address number is assigned based on this number.

→ The address number may be transmitted to financial accounting.


One-time addr. with numbering

in Administration tab in INVOICING in COMPANY