Tracking in eForwarding
Types of transmission
There are generally three types of transmission:
manual transmission
Via click on data → export → xml to partner
Enter EDI partner = TNT
set checkmark send
automatically via classification (our recommendation)
Addresses in Extras → General tab → Classification sub tab → set TNT in classification.
All files where there is a minimum of one classification are autoamatically transmitted when closing the file.
automatically via basic data table
In principle, every file is transferred after saving and closing, regardless of the classification, but restrictions can be made on departments etc.
In the TMS basic data ADMIN → EDI → EDI-TRIGGER (authorization object: STAEDITRIGGER) entries must be made which items are to be transferred.
Explanation field Automatic
I = Insert → An entry is automatically created when the file is closed in eaxmlsend_t. Every time the file is changed, an entry is created again.
U = Update → It has to be sent manually once, after which updates are automatically transmitted every time the file changes.
The following queries/combinations are possible
Client is filled
Client and Branch are filled
Client, Branch, Mode and Sub department are filled
Client, Mode and Sector are filled
Client, Mode, Sector, Main- and Sub department are filled
Client, Branch, kto_art_auftraggeb and fk_kto_auftraggeb are filled
Only these variants are stored in the EDI trigger table.
The transfer cannot work with a combination of (e.g.) Client, Branch and Mode because this variant does not exist!
Searching shipments in eForwarding
The tracking can be selected either in the home screen or in the navigation Track Your Shipment.
The Tracking Reference has to be put in the defined field. Search via the Search button.
Tracking References can be:
Shipment ID e.g. B-S-1771714-2019-00001
Forwarder Reference = TMS file number e.g. HB011912-108
HBL/HAWB number
MBL/MAWB number
Container number
Tracking ID
→ Upper / lower case is not relevant.
View of the Tracking
The details of the shipment are displayed in the upper section in fields.
The progress of the shipments is shown as a timeline.