Booking in eForwarding

Booking in eForwarding


Addresses tab

Different addresses can be transmitted:

  • Shipper

  • Consignee

  • Notify as well as

  • Pick Up or

  • Delivery, if there is pre- or oncarriage.






References for the addresses Shipper and Consignee can be filled in the field References.

Use my Company

Entering the addresses Shipper, Consignee and Notify can be simplified in the case of your own address.

The address of the logged in and already registered user is entered in this address areas by clicking on Use my Company.



Same as consignee

If the notify address corresponds to the address of the consignee, just click on Same as consignee.


Add Responsible

For all addresses, except the pick up and delivery address, contact persons can be added using the Add Responsible button.



The Reset button completely empties a filled address.


Clicking the Next button or pressing the Enter key opens the next input mask.

Clicking the Back button opens the previous input mask.

Details tab

Additional information must be provided to complete the booking.

Direction (Transport information)

The specification of the area (Direction) is a mandatory field.

The areas of Import, Export and Transport are available.

If no selection is made, the shipment cannot be booked.

If no information is given, a red notice Direction required is displayed when clicking Confirm.

The equipment is automatically transferred from the price request to the booking.

It is possible to enter a container number for import and transport.

The description of goods and marks can be entered in the field Description of Goods and Marks.

With longer descriptions, a line break occurs automatically. These line breaks are also transmitted to the TMS.



Here you have the option to enter additional information for the system owner.

Legal Information

Depending on the configuration, clearance clauses and / or terms and conditions are displayed here.

Depending on the setting, these must be checked using the checkbox.

Transmitting the booking

By clicking the Confirm button, the booking will be sent to the system owner.

The booking number is shown in the display.

For this, a booking confirmation is automatically created and sent to the logged in user by email.

This can also be downloaded as a PDF by clicking Download Receipt.