Create a CEP order

Create a CEP order


Links to further information

Select module/tile

You can select the CEP module/tile for a CEP order in the CargoSoft Starter.


Log in and access the order entry of the TMS.

The module tab that appears here is called KEP.


Create new order

Select File → New from the menu.

The entry KEP is filled by default in the order type field (your field may be called B/L type or AWB type).

In KEP mode, the selection in the drop-down menu is restricted to the KEP entry. No other order types can be created here.

Header data tab

Description of goods tab

Status system tab

Addresses tab

Change to the Services tab in the TMS CEP order

To create and transmit the cargo as CEP service order to a CEP service provider pls change to the Services tab within the CEP order.

There the CEP service is processed.

Detailed information is published in the sector TMS General Functions → TransportOrderManagement (TOM) → Record KEP service order.