Versions Compared


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Aura panel
  • Due to ongoing modifications of the legal inspection instructions, there are multiple check variants in the TMS.

  • The relevant addresses currently need to be checked in the EU database.

  • In the Union database, the address data of regulated agents and known consignors are made available as a download (XML). 

  • Here, the files must be downloaded daily and imported into CargoSoft in the Airfreight menu Security Check.

  • The validation number must be entered in the master data of the relevant order addresses on the security tab.

  • CargoSoft checks whether this number exists in the database.

  • If the imported file is missing or the import is older than 2 days, an error message appears in the AWB entry: 'The XML file was not read in or is too old'. The imported data are only valid on the same day and the following day!

  • The check result (screenshot of the determined address incl. XML file name incl. date) is stored in the eFile (if the eFile is active) and an entry is written to the SYS Log.


Table of Contents


Basic data



Related pages


Function in the order




The following basic data settings are necessary to be able to use this interface.



Table of Contents

Function in the order


Adjust check variant

For the automatic check of the security status against the dataset of the EU database, the check variant W or A must be set in the AIR PARAMETER.

Verification air security = W


In variant W, order addresses that are marked as air security relevant in the ADDRESS QUALIFIERS are automatically checked against the data stock of the EU database.
The addresses are checked automatically when the address is entered in the corresponding address field.

Next to each address field the status is displayed: UNSECURE, SPX KC or SPX RA.
The field remains empty if no check has been performed.

The status in the [Security text] text field remains empty, so that a manual change of the security status must be made by the user.

If an address is changed or the order is copied, it is rechecked.

Verification air security = A


For variant A, addresses with the corresponding settings are checked automatically against the EU database - provided they are identified as air security relevant in the ADDRESS QUALIFIERS.
The addresses are checked automatically if they are entered in the corresponding address field.

The status is displayed next to each address field: UNSECURE, SPX KC, or SPX RA.
The field remains empty if no verification has been carried out.

The status in the text field Security text is set based on the delivery address for check variant A.
The verification is carried out a new if an address is modified or the order is copied.

Check with user confirmation

In the master data AIR PARAMETERcheckbox Union database request with user co(nfirmation) it can be set that the user must confirm the check.

The validation result of the security check of an address against the data of the EU database is displayed to the user in the order in TMS directly next to the address.

This applies to the check variants W and A.

In the event of a successful check, the user must then view and confirm the address data of the address entered in the order with the address data from the EU database.

Check air security status manually

The addresses in the order can be checked manually via the entry Validation in Union database on supply chain security in the context menu


image-20240314-112458.pngImage Added .

  • The Update Security Status function in the F6 menu checks all addresses activated for automatic.

  • Also the function Update Shipper Security Status in the context menu of the header data checks all addresses activated for automatic.


Verification air security = N

No verification is carried out.



Allows data to be entered/changed on the Security tab of the address master data.


Enables changing the number in the AWB agent (basic data). 


If this authorization is available, any security status can be set in the AWB, Security text field (eaairkopf_t.text_known_shp).
A secure status such as SPX can be entered. 
It can be changed from SPX to NOT SECURED and vice versa.
Manual editing is possible.

Entries with SPX, SCO or SHR in the MC or in the long name are considered secure.


If this authorization exists, a security status NOT SECURED can be set in the AWB.

Manual editing is possible and can be prevented by the DONOTEDITLBASTATUS authorization.

If an SPX status is already set, another SPX status may be set.


This authorization restricts editing so that the Security text field (eaairkopf_t.text_known_shp) may generally not be edited manually.


 Allows the access to the application SECURITY CHECK in the Airfreight module → Airfreight tab.

The XML file is imported in the EU and the data can be searched.


Desposit security texts

Authorisation object: STACSCODES

Search for codes with type = SPX:





Client = 000


The language corresponds to the language of the employee.


All codes with type [SPX] are displayed in the search mask on the AWB Maintab.


You can select any value for code.


The field Name enables to enter the text including the desired placeholders.

Attention: The codes D1 = SPX (=Default SPX Status) and U1 = Not secured are default entries. You can change the descriptions. Placeholders are also possible for the code D1.  

It is possible to deposit codes with placeholders.


  • These draw the validation number from the address (from the Security tab).

  • An additional entry enables drawing an own RAC number from the AWB agent.

Place holder for Air security check

The following placeholders are possible:

#A1 = Address 1 (Shipper)
#A2 = Address 2 (Consignee)
#A3 = Address 3 (Notify)
#A4 = Address 4 (DES Agent)
#A5 = Address 5
#A6 = Address 6
#A7 = Address 7
#A8 = Address 8
#OwnRacNr = LBA registration number from AWB agent (AWB Main tab)

If two validation numbers are deposited in an address, you can also use the placeholders
#A1KC = Address 1 (KC number of the shipper)
#A1RA = Address 1 (RA number of the shipper).


Selection of a code on the AWB Main tab


image-20240314-112707.pngImage Added

The placeholders #A1 and #OwnRacNr are reset after the selection of the code:


The validation number is determined from the Securitytab from the address A1 (Shipper) → the LBA registration number is determined from the AWB agent.


Deposit validation number in addresses

The validation number is determined from the address upon the verification of the address in the EU database.
The system checks in the EU database whether a valid entry with this validation number exists.

The validation numbers of your customers (KC) and providers (RA) are deposited in the ADDRESSES on the Security tab.
Both numbers can be recorded in the address.

A priority for the verification can be set in the address qualifications.



Activate automatic verification


Every order address that is to be checked requires a qualifier (address qualifier) for the automatic web verification (W and A).

Possible qualifiers are:

SHP = Shipper
CNE = Consignee
NFY = Notify
AGT = Agent
CAR = Carrier
TRA = Transport Company
PUP = Pickup
DEL = Delivery
HDL = Handlings Agent

  • Settings of the addresses that are to be checked

    • Variant W: You can decide which addresses should be checked automatically. Activate the checkbox Airfreight security relevant.

    • Variant A: The pickup address must be assigned to the address qualifier PUP. The field Airfreight security relevant must also be activated.

If an address has two validation numbers (KC and RA), the field Prio enables to set which validation number should be checked preferentially.
The priority deposited here is also taken into consideration if you use a security status with the placeholder e.g. #A1.

  • If no priority is entered, the KC number is used. 

Deposit data stock of the EU database in CargoSoft

Choose the menu Airfreight → Security Check in the order.


Please proceed as follows:

1.    Download XML data:

Log in to the Union database with your login (

Click the gear on the right and select Regulated Agents data as XML.

Save the file in a location that you can access from CargoSoft.

Repeat the process with the Known Consignors data as XML.

2.    Import XML data:

Log in to the TMS Airfreight module.
Open Airfreight → Security check.

Select Import in the context menu.
Select one of the files downloaded under point 1.

After the import, all files are displayed in the security check window.

Repeat the import process for the 2nd file.

Note: An entry is made in the security table with the file names and a validity.
When checking the addresses in the order, all addresses are safe only up to this validity date.

This is crucial because the data must be updated daily. 

You can search in the search field 'Name' with the value *xml to view the two files.

With each import, the old data is deleted.
There is a complete exchange of the data.

Use the security check application

It is possible to search for data that have been imported.
4 search fields are available for this purpose.

Please press the F3 key to start the search.

The result can be sorted by a click on a column heading.
Click on a line and press CTRL+C to copy the validation number into the Windows clipboard.

Copy search result and validation number into the clipboard:
