WebCargo connection - rate request and booking

WebCargo connection - rate request and booking


Basic data settings for this function

WebCargo in Master AWBs

If a master airfreight file is open and all master data settings have been made in accordance with WebCargo setup, the WebCargo icon is available in the file menu.

The following actions are available here:

  • Create booking

  • Import booking

The menu is controlled via the preallocation. It is only available if the user opened an Airfreight Export file.


Create booking

The rate request opens

The WebCargo application → Rate request opens. Here you can compare the Carrier Adhoc rates.

Selecting a rate creates a new booking in which the following data from the order is transferred (if it was entered in the order):

  • File number: this is not displayed in WebCargo and is only used to assign the order to the booking.

  • User e-mail address: The user must be registered at WebCargo.

  • Routing data: airports from (first flight line) - to (last flight line), date, time.

  • Details about the goods: quantity and weight
    The weight per dimension line can only be transferred if it is entered in the dimension lines. In TMS, this is only possible if the FFR (booking) function is activated for the carrier in the master data. Otherwise, the total weight is transferred from the package line to the first dimensioning line. The weights can be distributed in WebCargo.

  • Dimensions

  • Turnable & Stackable: the default setting for these fields is YES.

  • IATA code: from the Agents IATA code field of the AWB control tab.
    In some cases, however, a fixed number is pre-assigned in WebCargo, which is then changed manually by the user. This can be individually agreed with WebCargo.

  • Commodity: Is pre-assigned with General Cargo in WebCargo.

Import booking

The following data from the WebCargo booking is transferred to the order.

A message appears asking whether the goods description should be overwritten:

  • Complete Routing data: Depature, Destination, Date, Time

  • TOA and LAT: if transfered by the carrier

  • WebCargo booking number: transfer to the booking number field in the additional tab in the order. This number can be used to call up the transfer of the booking from Webcargo again. This field can be edited. This means that the booking number can also be written to another file in order to transfer the booking data there if the current file is no longer valid.

  • IATA number: a transfer from WebCargo is currently not possible.

  • Service: this can be written to the Service field in the AWB Main tab if a mapping is stored in the service types.

  • AWB number: If this is not yet included in the order.

  • Data that is transferred to the order memo: drop-off and pick-up addresses (if supplied by the carrier), WebCargo booking number and CO2 values.

To transfer updates from the WebCargo booking, it is necessary to execute the Import booking function again.

Assignment of TMS order to WebCargo booking

The WebCargo booking can be assigned to the order in different ways:

  • Via the AWB number:
    The TMS uses the AWB number from the order to search for the correct data record in WebCargo.

  • Via the file number:
    When a booking is created from a TMS order, the file number is also transferred to WebCargo as a reference. This is then used when searching for the correct booking data record. If a booking is found for the file number, this has priority. In this case, there does not have to be an AWB number in the order in order to be able to assign the booking.

  • Via the WebCargo booking number:
    After the first transfer of data from WebCargo to the TMS order, the WebCargo booking number can also be used for the assignment.

Adopt other charges and rates from WebCargo

If a booking is imported into the order, the other charges transmitted by WebCargo are transferred to the Calculation tab and automatically transferred from there to the Other charges tab, provided no ECM is connected to the TMS. This process requires the activation of the Calculation tab in the order, even if no ECM is used.

If the ECM is active, the other charges can still be transferred to the Other Charges tab using a global setting (see Synchronization from the costing tab to the ancillary costs tab).

The Airfreight rate is written to the Net rate field of the goods description.


WebCargo passes on the billing codes for other charges as they are transmitted by the airlines. Usually the IATA charge codes are used, but these are not always used.

The corresponding TMS billing code is then determined in TMS with the help of a code conversion.

If a billing code is read in for which no TMS billing code has been stored in the code conversions, a dummy billing code is used (see EDI code conversions for other charges).

If an unknown billing code is identified when a booking is transferred, a new code conversion to the corresponding TMS billing code must subsequently be stored in the master data.

The booking can then be transferred from WebCargo to the order again and the rate is displayed with the correct data in the Calculation tab. All lines in the Calculation tab should be deleted beforehand to avoid double creation.

You can also correct the billing codes manually.

Store booking data in the eFile

  • The XML booking data can be stored in the eFile of the TMS file.

Cancel booking

  • A booking can only be canceled directly in the WebCargo application!

Show status in the dashboard

Once you have set up the dashboard accordingly, you have the option of selecting the status

  • WebCargo booking created from order and/or

  • WebCarago booking accepted.

The columns are filled with ticks or crosses from the filling rules in the status types.
