Other charges tab in AWB Main

If the airfreight calculation is done via ECM and this is set in the master data, the Other Charges tab is hidden from the airfreight order → Charges tab in AIR Parameter.


Links to further information

Basic data

Other charges tab on the left side


Order without Other Charges tab

If there is no Other Charges tab, please look at the Calculation tab to determine the cost.


eAWB transmission

Field OCode

The IATA code is displayed in the field OCode.

For the transmission of the AWB electronically to the airline, the OCode code must be filled.

View print preview

The AWB Control tab in AWB Main shows the other charges as they will be printed in the AWB.

Print in the AWB

  • If the other charges contain up to 5 lines, these lines will be printed as long lines in the AWB.

  • If the other charges contain between 6 and 9 lines, the entries are automatically printed in 2 columns.

  • If the other charges contain more than 10 lines, the costs are added up for reasons of space, i.e. all costs due carrier or due agent: