B2B House = HAWB
B2B House = HAWB
This type is used to create a back-to-back shipment.
In a B2B shipment, a MAWB and HAWB are created in a single file.
Links to further information
B2B House order mask
The Additionals tab in B2B House
ECM Fields removed
The fields ECM service contract no. (selling) and Selling product (ECM selling service) are NOT AVAILABLE in a B2B House AWB on the Additionals tab:
AWB Control tab in B2B House
Check box Bill collect charges in Consol
The check box Bill collect charges in Consol is located in the AWB Control tab on the bottom left on this mask.
Block HAWB for other branches
Checkboxes for blocking fields for foreign branches are located in the right block.
Context menu in B2B House
, multiple selections available,