
Links to further information

Basic data

In a submaster, the Send to partner and Receive from partner functions are located in the header.

  • The sub master is recorded in CargoSoft by means of the AWB type SMAWB.
    It contains an individual sub master AWB number.
    The carrier MAWB number is included as a reference.

  • A sub master received from a partner is loaded in your consol.

  • If an interface for the data reception is available, various fields are filled automatically through this interface.

  • Unlike in the normal consol, the CWT of the HAWBs is added up in the sub master. Not 1:6!

  • Unlike in the consol, the AWB agent (branch/partner) is printed as the carrier instead of the airline.



Context menus

In Submaster

The entries in the SMAWB that differ from the general context menu in the AWB Main tab are listed below.

These entries are available in the tabs AWB Main, Additionals and AWB Control.


In Send to partner 

In Received from partner