AWB types - overview and functions
AWB types - overview and functions
The page Determine rates in TMS (IATA, eRate, customer rate) also targets the different AWB types.
Convert AWB type
Customer consol
With the convertion function you can convert a MHAWB an IATA AWB.
See Consolidate MHAWB.
Coloader (Sub-Master)
You can currently convert a Sub-Master (SMAWB) into CONSOL or IATA AWB.
You can perform the following conversions in the airfreight import sector:
IATA → Master / CON / HAWB
Master → IATA / CON
CON → IATA / Master
Recordable rates per AWB type
AWB type | rate |
HAWB/ Master HAWB | customer rate |
IATA | customer rate, IATA rate, net rate |
MAWB (B2B) | IATA rate, net rate |
Consol/ SMAWB | IATA rate, net rate |
Consol is Gateway profit center | customer rate, IATA rate, net rate |
Reservation | No rate is drawn automatically |
, multiple selections available,