CHAMP First/Last Mile Tracking (QR)
Links to further information
Basic data settings
Status request tab in the order
From the CargoSoft TMS, a request is sent to Champ via the Status request tab, which includes a participant code and the file number.
The status calls can be done automatically via a background program (4gl statistics program).
Field order sector
Whether a status request for LastMile (follow-up) or for FirstMile (pre-run) is sent to Champ is controlled via the column sector in the status request.
The field is preset from the order sector, but can be edited.
Order sector Import = LastMile
Order sector Export = FirstMile
Champ service
The CHAMP service returns an URL and the associated QR code.
This QR code (the image) is saved in the efile of the TMS order.
In addition, the complete URL is written in the EDI Status tab.
QR code
The QR code contains two important pieces of information:
The URL of Champ… TBN.
A hash value 899e293c-b331-4cf3-a794-d70e5506c098
This hash value contains the following information:
Participant code
A unique ID of the shipment from CargoSoft (we use the item number here)
The QR code includes: … TBN.
The trucker sets the current transport status via this QR code, which is received by Champ in CargoSoft TMS and printed on the transport document.
The driver scans this QR code and is forwarded to a Champ website, where a corresponding status can be recorded.
As a result, an FSU status message is transmitted from Champ to the CargoSoft TMS.
Goods recipient can be automatically placed in an order
If the status DLV (Delivered) is imported into the TMS via the CHAMP QR interface, the field Delivered to in the order can now be automatically filled with the name of the goods recipient.
For this purpose, the fills field code 044 is stored in the status events.